With a bar in his hand, he fled and shouted “MINISTERS OUT”, arrested on the spot


Members of the Interior Ministry detained PB (1979), who today broke the protective fence in front of the National Assembly with a Toyota Rav 4 car.

After the incident, the suspect got out of the car and started running towards Pioneer Park, bar in hand, yelling “ministers out.”

Photo: Photos provided / RAS Serbia

Members of the Interior Ministry immediately caught up with the suspect and arrested him, and he was in a police vehicle at the scene of the incident for some time. Later, he was detained for up to 48 hours and will be transferred to the competent prosecutor’s office.

Suspects in a police car

Photo: Miljana Vranić / RAS Serbia

Suspects in a police car

When we found out, PB deliberately slammed his car into the fence in front of the National Assembly, then got out of the vehicle and started yelling, “Ministers out!”

Broken fence

Photo: Miljana Vranić / RAS Serbia

Broken fence

When police and assembly security personnel rushed to chase him, as we discovered on the scene, he fled to Pioneer Park, where he was caught up by police and arrested.

“I saw the police throw him on the ground.”

A saleswoman at a store across the street from the National Assembly says she saw police throw him on the ground.

– I saw how the police came and shot him down here in the park, and then I saw a car nailed to the fence. Eyewitnesses tell me that he tripped while fleeing and the police caught up with him at that point, she says.

An investigation is ongoing.
