With 225 votes “in favor” and one “against”, Dacic was elected president of the Assembly – Politika


With 225 votes Photo: FoNet / Zoran Mrđa

For his election, of the 226 deputies present in the room, 225 voted and one deputy opposed.

In his first speech from that place, Dacic thanked all those who voted, and told those who did not vote and who were against that “this is the National Assembly of all deputies” and that he only asks everyone to be tolerant. and respect those who are different. opinions.

He especially thanked the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, for saying that he did not have to make such a proposal, respecting the election results.

He pointed out that “for every politician builder of the State, the greater part is being at the head of Parliament as head of the highest legislative power.”

He noted that the Assembly “draws power from the will and confidence of the people”, that “its task is to contribute to stability”, while “only united, Serbia can respond to all challenges.”

Dacic nominated Vladimir Orlic from the SNS, Stefan Krkobabic from the PUPS, Radovan Tvrdisic from the SPAS, Marija Jevdjic from the United Serbia, Muamer Zukorlic from the Justice and Reconciliation Party and Elvira Kovac from the Union of Vojvodina Hungarians for six vice-presidents of the Assembly.

Dacic’s election was supported by the deputies of the list “Aleksandar Vucic – For our children”, SPS, the Hungarian Vojvodina Alliance and the Serbian Patriotic Alliance (SPAS).

The biography of the new Speaker of the Assembly states that he was born in Prizren in 1966, and that he graduated from the Faculty of Political Science with an average grade of 10.

Dacic has been a deputy since 1992, first in the Assembly of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, then in the Assembly of Serbia, and today he became President of the Assembly from the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The biography states that “he has decades of experience and results obtained in participation and management in various executive and legislative bodies”, is the winner of the “Most European” award and speaks English and Russian.

In today’s parliamentary debate on Ivica Dacic’s proposal to be the new Speaker of the Serbian Parliament, there was a controversy between the deputies from the “United Valley – SDA Sandzak” list who oppose the proposal, and the Dacic socialists who they believe that under his leadership the Assembly will be a “symbol of democracy.” .

The deputy of the electoral list “United Valley – SDA Sandzak”, Shaip Kamberi, said that the deputies of that group will not support the proposal that the current foreign minister be elected president of the Assembly today.

He said that “you cannot look to the future if a nation does not face its past”, and Dacic, the chairman of the Socialist Party of Serbia, was “part of the political elite” that “provoked bloody wars in the territory of the former Yugoslavia” .

Earlier, as Interior Minister Dacic Kamberi continued, he launched an initiative to “erase the residence of citizens, which affected the reduction of the number of inhabitants in Bujanovac, Presevo and Medvedja.”

With 225 votes
Photo: FoNet / Zoran Mrdja

“He (Dacic) also calls for the possible discovery of possible mass graves that exist in Serbia and therefore they will not get our vote,” Kamberi said, because “if denying war crimes and covering up possible mass graves is not a reason enough, then this society there is a big problem. “

Kamberi said that the “recognition of Kosovo”, which some MPs point to as Dacic’s success, “can evaluate it however they want”, but quoted “a foreign diplomat” who said that for Serbia it was “a shot in the leg”.

The candidate for the presidency of the Assembly and leader of the SPS, responded that, as Minister of the Interior, it was “undesirable for Kamberi to come to Bujanovac when a policeman was assassinated.”

“We are not working on reducing the number of Albanians, but on the fight against false registration of residence, because there were 20 registered at one address,” Dacic responded to Kamberi’s claim about “eliminating the residence of citizens.”

With 225 votes
Photo: FoNet / Zoran Mrdja

Independent MP Vladan Glisic also spoke out against Dacic’s election, but because he believes that “after all the successes he has achieved”, Dacic should not have been removed from the post of head of diplomacy.

“Now that the Assembly resembles the SNS party congress, the president could have been someone else, with less experience and contacts, who could help us in the fight for Kosovo,” Glisic believes.

Serbian Progressive Party deputy Veroljub Arsic noted that Dacic was “certainly ready to continue with all the reforms started by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic”, especially since he has been in power with him since 2012.

The head of the parliamentary group of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), Aleksandar Martinović, said today that the SNS supported Ivica Dačić’s candidacy for the presidency of the Serbian Assembly, taking into account his great political experience and the good results obtained as minister of Foreign Affairs.

Dacic’s candidacy was also supported by the parliamentary group Social Democratic Party of Serbia, whose incumbent Branimir Jovanovic said they believe Dacic will carry out his work in a professional manner and in accordance with the law and regulations.

“We base this belief, above all, on the fact that Dacic has exceptional political experience,” he said.

The head of the parliamentary group of the Hungarian Vojvodina Alliance (SVM), Balint Pastor, said that SVM supports the election of Dacic and noted that it is a “great solution” and that it is good that someone with decades of political experience heads the Assembly.

The head of the United Serbia (JS) parliamentary group, Dragan Markovic, said the SPS-JS coalition was honored by the fact that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic nominated Dacic as the Speaker of the Serbian Assembly.

“Considering that Aleksandar Vučić is a great perfectionist in a positive sense, and after so many years of cooperation, he proposed Ivica Dačić as the second man in this country, that means that Ivica Dačić justified everything that is called cooperation between Vučić and Dačić, “Marković said. .

Member of the United Pensioners’ Party of Serbia, Mira Petrovic, said that the election of Dacic as speaker of the parliament should strengthen the Assembly of Serbia, and that bringing in the president of the party would restore the weight and dignity that the Assembly should have.

He said that in addition to all the knowledge and skills Dacic has, his tolerance will mean a lot to everyone in parliament.

With 225 votes
Photo: FoNet / Zoran Mrdja

The Assembly took note of the resignation of Ivica Dacic as head of diplomacy

The Serbian Assembly officially declared the resignation of Ivica Dačić from the post of First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs.

In the words of President Smilja Tišma, this ended Dačić’s employment in the Government.

The outgoing Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabić, today handed over her duties to former Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić, who will take over as Speaker of Parliament, the government announced.

In today’s session, chaired by the oldest deputy Smilja Tišma, deputies discuss the remaining four items on the agenda, namely the election of the president of the National Assembly, the election of the vice-president, the appointment of the general secretary and the election of the members of the working bodies.

Earlier, the Assembly received a proposal to elect the leader of the Serbian Socialist Party, Ivica Dacic, as the Assembly President, who supported 215 people’s deputies with his signature, and the SPS deputy Djordje Milicevic will explain.

In the next session, the Assembly must approve reforms to the Government and Ministries law, considering that the creation of two new ministries has been announced, and then in an extraordinary session, the Prime Minister designated Ana Brnabic will present her presentation and proposal for the composition from his cabinet.

According to the law, the deadline for the election of the new Serbian Government expires 90 days after the confirmation of the mandate of the people’s deputies, which in this case is November 1.

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