Willingness of both parties for the development of infrastructure projects PHOTO


VUCIC TALKS WITH AMBASSADOR CROATIA: Willingness of both parties for the development of infrastructure projects PHOTO

Photo: Printscreen Instagram / buducnostsrbijeav

Today, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, received the Croatian ambassador, Hidayet Biščević, with whom he discussed the need for the two countries to dedicate themselves to the development of good neighborly relations and the strengthening of cooperation, because relations between Serbia and Croatia are important for the entire region.

President Vučić and Ambassador Biščević confirmed the readiness of both parties for the development of infrastructure projects, especially the railway between Belgrade and Zagreb, as well as to work on better use of the navigability of the Danube, it was announced from Vučić’s cabinet .

The two interlocutors expressed the hope that circumstances will soon allow the resumption of political dialogue, as well as the work of mixed commissions in various areas of cooperation.

Vučić stressed the importance of the work of the Commission on Missing Persons, because it is, above all, a question of civilization and humanitarianism.

Ambassador Biščević conveyed to President Vučić Prime Minister Andrej Plenković’s gratitude for his personal commitment to the renovation of the Ban Jelačić house in Petrovaradin and its transfer to the use of the Croatian community.

Vučić said that he was proud that Serbia was keeping its promises and that it would continue to improve the position of the local Croatian community, with whom we want to live in harmony.

He also said that he would continue to advocate for the improvement of the position of the Serbs in Croatia, just as the Croatian authorities advocate for the position of the Croats in Serbia.

Vučić said that he hopes that in the future, through mutual respect, obstacles arising from different understandings of the past will be overcome, so that the policy of peace and cooperation will redound to the mutual benefit of the citizens of Serbia and Croatia, especially in the economic field.


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