WILL WE WORK UNTIL DEATH? We will retire later, and just to see how the Serbs are doing in Germany, Croatia, Austria and Sweden.


The retirement age is also slowly increasing in Serbia, and this is a trend that, if not completed, continues around the world.

In the following calendar years, ladies can retire in our country at the age of 63 years and two months, instead of the age of 63 that is needed this year. The cap will move in the range of two to six months a year until 2032, and then women will be able to retire at the age of 65. So, two years more than today. The required number of years of service remains the same and amounts to a minimum of 15 years.

On the other hand, men retire the following year as before, with 65 years of age and 15 years of service recorded in the workbook. And for now, there are no ads to move the age limit.

 Photo: Zoran Ilić / RAS Serbia

In countries where several hundred thousand Serbs live, the rules for retirement are at the same time much more stringent.


In Germany, the retirement age is also gradually increasing and is projected to reach 67 years in 2031. Now, both women and men must be 65 years and 7 months to retire.

However, if you have 45 years of work experience in Germany, it is possible to retire at the age of 63. The advantage is that the length of service includes military service as well as paid internships with the employer.


In Croatia this year, the retirement age is 65 for men and 62 years and six months for women. The Croatian government plans to raise the age limit for women to 65 by 2030, moving the limit three months each year.

Earlier, the plan to raise the age limit for men to 67 by 2038 was mentioned, but has been dropped for now.


Women in Austria retire at age 62 and men at 65. Old-age pension limit for women Starting in 2024, it will gradually catch up with the limit for men. The benefit in this country, which was recently adopted, is that the minimum pension from 2020 amounts to 1,200 euros net for people with 40 years or more of work experience in Austria.


In Sweden, you can retire much later than in Serbia. By 2036, the number of years that will be required for retirement will be 67. Currently, this limit is 66 for men, while it is 63 for women.

Starting next year, not only will the rules for retirement in Serbia change, but also for early retirement.
