Will this Serbian city be the MOST PROTECTED when there is a NEW CROWN STRIKE?


Residents of Novi Pazar have registered fewer people in hospital treatment and fewer positive results for the corona virus during the last 60 days, and according to the latest test, 55% of those examined have antibodies.

When antibodies develop, it is a sign that the person has had a crowned crown, and the latest research shows that they remain in the blood for three months, as previous studies have revealed. Marija Gnjatović, a researcher at the Institute for the Application of Nuclear Energy (INEP), also spoke about this recently.

– According to the results, even those who initially have a lower concentration of antibodies in the blood are not without immunity. Of course, the amount of antibodies decreases over time, but it is not so significant that immunity is lost after three months as mentioned. Antibodies stay in the blood for at least five months, that’s true, and maybe up to a year, Gnjatović said.

This would then mean that if a new corona wave occurs, Novi Pazar would be the most protected city, considering that the percentage of those who developed antibodies is as high as 55 percent!

In the past two months, on average, three people a day tested positive for the corona virus, and one was admitted to the hospital, writes “RTS.”

– In the last seven days, that number is decreasing, so we have an average of two newly infected people. We are aware that we are a young population, that we have many students in primary and secondary schools. So far, thank goodness, we have not had a single confirmed case, says Dr. Šefadil Spahić, director of ZZJZ Novi Pazar.

The General Hospital says there is no relaxation. They are preparing two ambulances that will significantly facilitate the admission of patients. At the same time, they are expanding the capacity of the covid department.

– Now, with this expansion, we are distributing central oxygen to almost all the departments of the General Hospital. We will have more than 300 places with central oxygen. The same amount will be provided to patients suffering from covid, in order to reduce the use of oxygen bottles, because the work is much easier and more comfortable – says Dr. Meho Mahmutović, director of the General Hospital of Novi Pazar.

We tried to bring the kovid 1 and kovid 2 closer to the ambulance to reduce the movement of the patient.

The statistics are encouraging, hence the slight relaxation of citizenship, according to the city council. The measures are respected more frequently by the older citizens of Novi Pazar.

– The responsibility here is of the individuals. I admire many of our fellow citizens, especially the elderly, who are so disciplined that they respect the measures. They respect themselves, they respect others. So I think it’s really a message for me that all our fellow citizens respect the measures, wear a mask – explains Fevzija Murić, member of the city council.

At the General Hospital, eight patients are currently housed, and only today, 68 of them were examined.
