WILL THERE EVER BE JUSTICE? Dozens of Croats should be held accountable for the murders of Gospian Serbs.


In a written statement presented to the media, Linta recalled that at least 124 Serbs were killed in Gospić during that period, and that almost half of them were taken from their houses and apartments and killed on October 17 and 18, as well. like the remains were found and buried. only 50 victims, while the rest are still registered.

According to Linta, only the then Gospić Secretary of the General Staff, Tihomir Orešković, was sentenced to 15 years in prison, the then Commander of the 118th Brigade, Mirko Norac, to 12 years, and Stjepan Grandić, to 10 years, for the crime. massive and organized of the aforementioned Gospić Serbs.

Linta also points out that while serving his prison sentence, General Norac led a normal life, worked, married, built a house and organized various celebrations attended by senior state officials, as well as the Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor’s Office it has yet to initiate proceedings for massive and organized war crimes against Serbs in Gospić.

He recalled that the Serbs experienced terror in Gospić during World War II, at the first settlement camp that was part of the concentration camp complex in the Lika area.

In just 132 days of the existence of the Gospić-Jadovno-Pag concentration camp complex from April to August 1941, more than 38,000 Serbs and some 2,000 Jews and others were killed.

The Gospić and Lika Croats have never admitted that they committed genocide against the Serbs, expressed remorse or asked for forgiveness, Linta said, adding that the exhumation of the dead Serbs has not yet been carried out or the marks marked. places of execution.

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