Will there be school closings? Dr. Srdja Jankovic answered a question that worries many now



13.10.2020. 12:46

Explain that the most complex criteria for switching to online classes.

Pupils, school, crown

Students, school, crown, Photo: Alo.rs

Infect students virusom korona It is still sporadic, so the situation in schools is favorable for now, says immunologist Srđa Janković, adding that the transition to online teaching not necessary at this time.

He explains that the most complex criteria for switching to online classes is that it is not just about the number of newly infected people on a daily basis across the country.

– We want to prevent the virus from being transmitted through schools, for schools to become a place of accelerated transmission of the virus. While these are sporadic cases, while infection in schools from a friend is rare, there is no need for such measures, says Janković for TV Pink.

He affirmed that preventive measures in schools have yielded results, that they have been well implemented and that “the first attack of the virus in schools has been prevented” and that the disease is still sporadic.

– The moment when there are so many viruses in circulation and schools are under much greater pressure, because children can become infected like everyone else, when it becomes risky that the virus begins to be transmitted through the school despite all measures : distance, use of masks, then consider switching to distance education, explained the immunologist.

Srdja jankovic

Srđa Janković, Photo: Printscreen

He claimed that the misinterpretation is that if there are more infected people, schools will be closed. Explain that school is not interrupted if students no longer physically sit in classrooms, but only switch to distance learning.

Across Serbia, the number of new infections is slowly increasing, so it is time to rigorously implement measures to prevent a massive disease.

– I know that the phrase “this week is crucial” is not popular and if we repeat it often, it loses its meaning, but now we can do a lot if we implement the measures that are in force in a consistent and rigorous way all together – said Dr. Srdja Jankovic.
