WILL THERE BE A NEW YEAR’S CELEBRATION IN BELGRADE? The city has made the final decision, this is what is planned


According to that decision, the City of Belgrade does not organize any public events on the occasion of New Year’s Eve 2021.

– With this decision, we wait until today when we receive the official position of the Municipal Institute of Public Health that there are no conditions for the organization of these events – said Vesić.

He points out that this means that this year there will be no Christmas Village, no Open Heart Street, no Fairytale Square, no popular stalls in Knez Mihajlova, no ‘Belgrade with class’ program, no traditional concerts in front of the House of the National Assembly. , no fireworks.

Vesić also recalled that the city of Belgrade did not foresee a single dinar in the budget for the organization of New Years Eve this year.

He explained that the city provided that money during the first budget readjustment in April of this year, when the budget was reduced by about 15 percent, and that funding was then abolished for all programs that are not necessary for the operation of the city. He also says that companies that wanted to be sponsors contacted the city during the fall, and the City of Belgrade is grateful, because they wanted to make our citizens happy.

– We call on all Belgraders to respect all measures, to wear protective masks and not to go to places where there are many people gathered. We thank the companies that wanted to be sponsors of the New Year’s programs and we invited them to pay that money to charities or buy medical equipment. Only then will we welcome the year 2021 alive and healthy, which we all believe will be happier than the one that is coming to an end, Vesić said.


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