Will the broadcast of the reality show be limited from 11:00 pm to 6:00 am?


The reality of the “forced environment” mainly has a detrimental effect on minors, but also on the whole of society, are the conclusions of the session of the Council of REM members in which this regulation was discussed.

On television with national coverage, “crime and primitivism are promoted, which is disastrous for social life, but also for the conscience of the people,” was evaluated in the session.

Can the regulator and in what way limit or ban disgusting content on reality TV? Since the broadcast of the first reality show in Serbia, almost 16 years ago, there has been controversy about it until today. Some argue that such shows should be banned and others that broadcasters are free to show what they will show.

Slobodan Cvejić, a member of the REM Council, stated that due to a recent case on the reality show, when he was on television Pink Kristijan Golubović made death threats, the members agreed to ask for criminal proceedings to be started.

To approximate the scope of this “drastic” practice, Cvejić said that he watched the controversial show on that occasion. Pink, and that curses were “cast” on him, while death threats were spoken aloud. He concludes that “someone took care of what would happen in that program”, considering that the curses were covered up, but that he was not aware of the threats that were made.

Non-binding recommendation was not followed

REM’s non-binding recommendation on the time limit of this type of programs from 2015 has not been implemented so far, so REM Council members Višnja Arandjelović, Slobodan Cvejić and Judita Popović, presented the initiative to adopt a binding regulation.

“This type of program is inappropriate, especially for children. We did not pretend to be censors. I believe that this proposal has a basis in the law, which stipulates that the regulator ensures that there is no content that may harm physical development, moral or mental of minors. media services … “, said Popović.

He added that the public is “quite sharp” when it comes to such programs, and that minors will be protected through binding regulation and that “water will be let through” through recommendations.

Višnja Arandjelović believes that the REM Council must find a way to get in the way of what is happening in reality, saying that such a program must be “removed” from the moment when the children are awake, in front of the television program, that is , from 23 to 6 in the morning.

“I’m afraid such a program can affect generations that are coming of age. It is our responsibility to protect minors in the first place. Actually, we cannot expect anything smart when we see the participants and from what social class they come from. I can’t understand why they are given so much space in electronic media, “says Arandjelovic.

“We cannot move the content of the program, but we can punish”

However, REM Council member Goran Petrovic believes that it may happen that the media service provider annuls such a binding act before the Constitutional Court and files a claim for damages, which can amount to millions. “We cannot move the content of the show, but we can punish them,” Petrovic said.

Neither Popović nor Cvejić agreed with such an attitude, who believe that the time is right for REM to be decisive, that its role is to protect the public interest in electronic media and that this is an opportunity to improve society.

“In one hour of reality shows you have at least three things that REM could initiate procedures for. That station will accumulate so many penalties in a week that we can revoke its license. However, this can be regulated by limiting the time of those programs.” , said. is Cvejic.

He pointed out that this way of regulating reality TV does not represent any personal confrontation, nor an attempt to reorganize the electronic media scene in Serbia, but a reaction to a serious social problem.

A member of the REM Council, Zoran Simjanović, concluded that he is not against reality, but against its content, and not to protect only minors, but the whole society.

“The reality participants have become stars. What they are doing is becoming a new normal in society,” Simjanovic said.
