WILL SOMEONE STOP THEM? The extremists rage again, threatening to expel the migrants at the Faculty of Economics, shamefully describing it as “CLEANING THE PARK”


The notorious far-right organization “People’s Patrol”, known for the persecution of migrants, announced on Sunday a new anti-migrant action at the Faculty of Economics. Will the competent authorities really allow them once again, with the methods of paramilitary organizations, to spread hatred towards foreigners in Serbia?

A photo of migrants with a creepy slogan, only ambiguous at first glance: “Let’s clean up the park near the Faculty of Economics” circulates on the Internet these days. In reality, it is a continuation of the action of February this year, when extremists, organized in self-proclaimed “popular patrols”, intercepted migrants in the center of Belgrade and distributed leaflets indicating that their movement was restricted.

“Due to the frequent attacks by the sick on Serbian women and girls, they are prohibited from leaving the migrant centers from 10 at night to 6 in the morning and transferring more than three people in a group during the day. The attacks our citizens will not go unpunished, “the pamphlet reads. .

Frequent actions

At the beginning of March, an anti-immigrant protest was held in which, in addition to various right-wing associations, the so-called “popular patrols” also participated. The protesters shouted “We do not want migrants”, “Serbia to the Serbs”, “Fences to migrants, freedom to citizens”, and during the walk they threw stones at the facilities of the Refugee Police Station.

Migrants are a constant target of the far rightPhoto: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

Migrants are a constant target of the far right

Now, this aggressive extremist action has continued under the perfidious slogan “cleaning the park”, behind which is a call to “clean up the migrants.” At the same time, the “popular patrols” on social media also heat up the anti-migrant atmosphere by recalling several recent attacks by migrants on passers-by in the center of the capital, the most serious of which was that of a Montenegrin citizen SV ( 24) stabbed five days ago. Police soon arrested the attacker.

After all, the question is whether the state will allow the practice of “ethnic cleansing” of the park at the Faculty of Economics on Sunday. Until the conclusion of this issue, the Interior Ministry did not respond to questions about whether they were informed of the weekly meeting of “popular patrols” and, if so, whether it was approved.

Who will stop them

The executive director of the “484” Group, Vladimir Petronijevic, points out for “Blic” that the announced weekly meeting is just a continuation of the activities of the far-right groups in Serbia in the previous months.

– I believe that the activities of these organizations are extremely dangerous because they act outside the law and usurp what is the competence of state bodies and institutions. That is why I believe that the State must react from the outset so that the police know who are those people who participate in public patrols and why, that is, with what right they intercept people on the street. I see this as a continuation of the actions started by the “Stop Migrant Settlement” movement even before and during the Covid-19 pandemic, emphasizes Petronijevic.

The state must react and to begin with, the police must find out who are the people involved in Photo: Sava Radovanović / Tanjug

The state must also react at the beginning so that the police find out who are those people who participate in “popular patrols” and why, that is, with what right they intercept people in the street, Vladimir Petronijevic, Group “484”

As he himself says, he believes that state bodies and institutions can shed light on all incidents in which migrants participate.

– It is the responsibility of the Ministry of the Interior and the competent prosecutor’s office to reveal all the circumstances of these events. Certainly paramilitary organizations cannot do that. That is why it is up to the state to stop the activities of that entity. The question arises of the purpose for which the popular patrols organize the action on Sunday. I do not see the legitimacy or legality of this objective and that is why the police should prevent it – concludes Petronijevic.

They are covering up threats to migrants with their supposed concern for the environmentPhoto: Aleksandar Slavković / RAS Serbia

They are covering up threats to migrants with their supposed concern for the environment

Writer Filip David also shares the view that the emergence of “popular patrols” is extremely dangerous for the whole of society.

– It is not clear why these “popular patrols” appeared and if they have the support of the State. If they have the support of the state, then it is anarchy, if not, it means that today everyone can organize in a similar way and take justice into their own hands. The fact is that the popular patrols and other extremist groups want to solve things and seize the powers of state bodies, especially the police. That’s a very dangerous thing, ”David warns.

Who supports them

As he himself says, it is unacceptable that “popular patrols” have been allowed to operate for months.

– The question is when should they replace these patrols: the police, the prosecution? This is unacceptable and leads to true anarchy. I expect a much sharper reaction from the state towards such groups and meetings, because the previous condemnations of these organizations by the authorities have been lukewarm and insufficient – emphasizes David.

The Refugee and Migration Police Station strongly condemns the appearance of the so-called popular patrols.

– Serbia has its own law enforcement agencies dealing with the safety of citizens. No one has the right to take the levers of power into their own hands, apart from state organs. The appearance and behavior of the so-called popular patrols is unacceptable, unacceptable and dangerous – they point to “Blic” in this police station.

Djurovic: more and more migrants on the streets

The director of the Center for the Protection and Assistance of Asylum Seekers, Radoš Đurović, warns that the situation in Belgrade will become increasingly tense, as there have been more and more immigrants on the streets lately.

– This is a consequence of the fact that there are more migrants than the capacity in the reception centers. At least 100 migrants enter Serbia daily and many return from Hungary, Croatia, and Romania. Unfortunately, we have a bureaucratic problem because migrants cannot be treated with the principle of “go to this or that reception center if they accept you”. That doesn’t work that way – emphasizes Djurovic.

The “customers” want to stop “Mirdita, good afternoon!”

That extremists have a special peak in every attempt at reconciliation in the region through culture is demonstrated by the announcement by the right-wing organization “Zavetnici” that they will try to prevent the traditional festival “Mirdita, good morning!” from October 22 to 24.

The festival, which introduces Kosovo’s cultural and social scene to the Belgrade audience, is being held on a smaller scale due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but unfortunately the question is again whether it will survive due to another plague: the bloated far-right extremism.

Milica ĐurđevićPhoto: Zoran Žestić / Tanjug

Milica Đurđević

In other words, the leader of one of the far-right organizations “Zavetnici”, Milica Đurđević, announced that, as in previous years, she would try to prevent the celebration of this festival.

– The “Mirdita” Festival is a Greater Albanian project that has been promoting the so-called Kosovo Culture, as indigenous and exclusively Albanian. It would be completely acceptable to present the customs, culture and traditions of the Albanian community, giving us a closer knowledge and perhaps a better understanding, but this is a political festival funded by the ministry of the self-proclaimed government of Pristina. The goal is gradually the theme of membership, the call. Make UNESCO Kosovo acceptable and safe. If Ljeviska’s Mother of God is theirs, why did they burn her? – Đurđević said for “Danas”.

On the other hand, the director of the Youth Initiative for Human Rights program and one of the festival organizers, Ivan Đurić, believes that this is the right time for this cultural event.

– By restarting the negotiation process in Brussels and signing the Washington Agreement, a step of a thousand miles has been taken, but political and economic agreements are the framework, while the essence is to bring the societies of Serbia and Kosovo closer together. Get to know each other, listen to each other, be together. To say “Mirdita, good afternoon!” declaróurić declared.

VIDEO: Shouts of “we do not want migrants” in front of the Assembly
