WILL 98 PERCENT OF TRAVEL AGENCIES LEAVE? Travel organizers are trying to find a solution with the insurance companies.


As travel agencies in Serbia came across unharvested grapes, because insurers decided that they no longer wanted to do business with them, due to excessive risk, so they were left without work licenses, the competent ministry is a people with the Bankers Association. She found a solution that instead of policies there are bank guarantees. This type of guarantee, by the way, existed in the Tourism Regulations, but nobody ever used it, because a lot of money is needed. Furthermore, there was no bank guarantee holder, more precisely, that could activate it.

The Ministry of Tourism announced that it expects a final agreement with the bankers in the next ten days, so in this period, the inspection will not revoke the existing licenses of the agencies, which expired on October 1.

– We do not have an answer from the insurer, and we will continue to insist on the help of the state – Aleksandar Seničić, director of the National Association of Travel Agencies of Serbia, told us on Thursday after the Board of Directors meeting. – We have sent a letter to the insurance companies, and if they do not want to continue cooperation, the only thing left for us is to go on strike. Because at this time, only two percent of travel organizers can contribute around 500,000 euros, which will be needed on average to get a guarantee. It is an extremely serious and numerous security, especially at this time when there is no work. A new way must be found. If insurers don’t want it to be a policy, change the rules and put something else. The agencies expect insurers to agree to extend the policies for at least three months.


NO insurance company, as indicated by the agencies, wants to extend the policy. They tried to explain that this is now the period with the fewest number of trips and that by not doing so you are creating an additional problem for them. That is why they are appealing to the state authorities, just to tell them what to do, so that they can work normally.

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