WHY YOUNG PEOPLE DIE FROM THE CROWN: Dr. Grujicic revealed something important: “There is only one explanation.”


– As a doctor, I know where I can expect complications from my patients and I prepare for that and do my best to avoid complications. I can’t understand how it happens here, what young people are like, and many young people died, who were supposedly healthy before. What caused them to die or have an extremely serious clinical picture? It is my deep conviction that this is the state of your immune system. If we now look back at all those people, I am convinced that we would find some kind of autoimmune disease, that they are absolutely, only that they are in an epidemic phase – she said as a guest on TV Happy.

Dr. Grujicic pointed out that there is currently an epidemic of cardiovascular, oncological and autoimmune diseases in Serbia.

– Now you have young women who, after one, two, three miscarriages, only realize that they have an autoimmune disease and one pill is enough to make them feel good. However, people are dragged around hospitals or to anyone and do not speak because today my head hurts, tomorrow my spine hurts, the day after tomorrow my knee, because they are extremely atypical symptoms.

– I can only explain the loss of these young people with an autoimmune disease that they had, but did not even know. That is something that should concern us and what we have to work on – he said.

(Serbia today)

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