Natasa Zecevic was removed from the position of director of the Technical School “23. May” in Pancevo because she chose as an assistant a psychologist from that school, who works with 50 percent of the norm.

According to Zecevic, that is written in the explanation of the Ministry of Education, which was signed by Minister Mladen Sarcevic.
In the opinion of the Ministry, now the former director has violated the law because she chose the assistant from the ranks of the unemployed, while Zecevic believes that the psychologist is in the condition of employee, because he works with half the norm. It’s interesting that she was a psychologist in the assistant principal position for two full school years, and that no one has bothered until now.
The president of the Freedom and Justice Party, Dragan Djilas, sees as the reason for Natasa Zecevic’s dismissal the fact that she agreed to lead the party’s Board of Education, as well as the Pancevo board of the SAA. Djilas evaluated that the removal of Zecevic is “another example that shows how the arrogant government tramples the interests of teachers and children, replaces an experienced pedagogue, with the intention of establishing the party’s army in that position.” Djilas stated that Zecevic was elected principal in 2014 and re-elected in 2018, and that she had the full support of teachers and parents. What are the reasons for your dismissal? The Danas newspaper did not receive a response from the Ministry of Education, and Zečević told Danas that he expected such an epilogue.
– Since I publicly pointed out my political affiliation, both the city education inspection and the republic have started reaching the school, each time in anonymous reports. It lasts almost a year and a half. So far, the inspection has not found any irregularity in my work, except that measures have been pronounced several times due to technical omissions, which we have corrected. Among the anonymous complaints is, for example, that I, as the director, have the key to the coffee machine, which organizes strange humanitarian actions where children and parents bring food that has not passed the sanitary control, and sends everything that remains from food to children’s shelters and other social services. protection – says Zecevic, for whom being a member of the SAA is his first political commitment.
Instead, the Minister of Education appointed a teacher from a primary school in Pancevo, Jasna Milićev, as acting director of the Technical School. His photo of the recent vote in the elections in the Democratic Party, which was organized by the Branislav Lecic current, was posted on Twitter by the vice president of the DS, Dragana Rakic, with the question “Is it clearer now?”
– It is an explicit proof that Leka’s team has the support of the ruling regime, because nowadays it is not possible to be a member of the local community council if you are not a member of the SNS, much less to be a school director – he says Rakic for Danas.
He confirmed that Jasna Milićev is a member of the DS board of directors in Pancevo and that she was not formally expelled from that party, but did not know whether speculation that Milićev joined the SNS was true. We tried to find out directly from Milić, but she told us in a phone conversation that party activities are prohibited at school and that we can only talk about it in private, but not when she is at work. When asked when we can call her, she said she doesn’t know how long she will be at work. We were also interested to know if he would apply for the contest for the director of the Technical School, and Milićev replied that the contest had not yet been announced and said that he liked working in the classroom.
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Last year, the Pancevo City Budget Inspectorate filed a criminal complaint against Natasa Zecevic for unintentional and illegal spending of budget funds. She has to pay a fee to create a class schedule. Zecevic confirmed that there is a criminal complaint, but that the procedure has not yet started. He says that the payment for making the class schedule is a practice in all schools, and that the Pancevo City Council allocates a part of the funds for that purpose.
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