Why was only one pilot catapulted? (KURIR TELEVIZIJA)


The tragedy of the death of two Serbian army pilots shocked the public. The unfortunate event continues to be discussed, and General Branko Bilbija spoke about it on the Kurir television program “Spark of the Day”.

– There was a misunderstanding regarding the transfer of information about catapult. A pilot cannot be catapulted in the two-seater MiG 21. All that matters is which driver makes the decision. Both are catapulted – said the general, explaining that with the action of one of them, both are catapulted.

The general explained that there is the possibility that such an intervention will catapult one seat and not another.

However, as he said, the chances of that happening are slim, as in such a situation, one would have to deliberately catapult one, which was not the case in this event.


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