“WHY QUARANTINE IN APRIL, AND NOW WHEN WE BREAK RECORDS – NO?” Kisić on the harsh measures that were applied in the first wave of the crown


– At first, the whole world was surprised by this virus and nobody was prepared. The virus spread rapidly and we were among the last countries in Europe where the virus entered. That is why we were able to see the experiences of other countries, especially in Italy and Spain, where capacities were too small – he said at the conference, answering the question of journalists why a state of emergency is not introduced now as before when we have more positive.

Kisic Tepavcevic says that the elderly and those in nursing homes were the most in danger and that the state’s priority was to take preventive measures and prevent that at first.

The first wave of the corona spread like a tsunami and we wanted to stretch the epidemiological curve, he added.

In the meantime, he notes, tests and respirators have been purchased, new labs have been opened, and new capacities have been opened.

Likewise, Kistic Tepavcevic adds that everyone expected that the population would gain herd immunity, but that the corona virus in many segments was denied by the experts, and that the introduction of strict measures was shown to be correct in the beginning.

– Now, in absolute numbers, there are more infected than before, but in relation to the total number of positives, the number of hospitalizations is lower, we have more capacities than before, which I hope we will never use – he emphasized.

When asked why the number of infected people in cities is not published daily, he said that this data exists and that they will make it available.

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