Belgrade – The increase in the price of oil from certain producers by about ten percent is a consequence of the higher purchase prices of that oilseed, said agricultural expert Milan Prostran.
Source: Beta

Photo: Depositphotos, Syda_Productions
But, as he puts it, the little-known corporate policy of the producers of that food, of slowly raising the price even before consuming the old stocks of raw materials, bought at lower prices, also plays a role in the increase in prices.
“The prices of the products are decided by the prices of raw materials and the free market, and sunflower is paid more this year, but also the ‘old games’ of producers to start slowly raising the prices of processed products with cheaper raw materials before consuming stocks provided at lower prices. ” Spacious said to Beta.
Last year, sunflower was bought from the producer for 31 dinars per kilogram, and this year for 36-37 dinars, that is, at a price that is about 20 percent higher.
Prostran estimated that the increase in the price of oil for the pockets of consumers at this time can be “neutralized” by a more rational consumption. “Agriculture sometimes has to pay for its work. This year’s increase in the price of sunflowers due to reduced production and the pandemic will be a reason for producers to increase the area under this oilseed,” said Prostran .
It is still uncertain whether the price of oil will follow the price of sugar, because most sugar beet growers have not yet charged for those products.
A farmer from Stara and Pazova, Jaroslav Fabri, said that he had not yet collected the beet sold a month ago and that he did not know the price at which it would be paid, but that the buyer said he “did not care”.
The director of the business association of millers and pasta factories “Žitounija”, Zdravko Šajatović, said that, although wheat is sold at higher prices this year than last year, a significant increase in the price of wheat should not be expected. flour.
“The price of flour is always growing more slowly than the price of wheat, and there is a surplus of wheat this year, and the price has risen due to the creation of larger stocks in the world for fear of a pandemic,” he said Sajatovic.
He added that although the price of wheat is 21.50 dinars per kilogram, wholesale flour costs between 26 and 27 dinars per kilogram, and that the supply is large because there are at least 3,000 mills in Serbia that are operating smoothly. continues, and “who knows how many continue to operate when demand increases and prices rise.”
He pointed out that although it happens that the price of flour in small packages of one kilogram increases, it will not affect the wholesale price because it makes only eight percent of consumption.