Why is Belgrade spitting on you?



14.12.2020. 22:20

Boris wondered why Dežulović came to Belgrade and has lived there for 15 years, if Belgrade is a city.

Goran saric

Goran Saric, Photo: Screen Printed

The Croatian theologian and historian Goran Saric strongly condemned the presentation by his colleague, Boris Dezulovic, who in an interview for the Dragan Djilas portal, Nova S, insulted one of the greatest Serbian writers, Momo Kapor.

“Belgrade committed suicide, it was not killed by any unfortunate from Kosovo or Krajina, Belgrade was killed by Momo Kapor, it was killed by the high priests of its asphalt, some Minimaxi, Bora Djordjevic and the like, very urban waste,” Dezulovic said.

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“Why Boris Dežulović spits on Belgrade Who feeds him and how did he finally graduate from the Serbian school of self-chauvinism?

My first encounter with Belgrade was about fifteen years ago at the then train station. When I saw that mockery, I immediately thought: “Serbia is not as terrible as they told us in Croatia. It is even worse.” On that occasion, the journalist Boris Dežulović moved to Belgrade. He was often critical of Croatian society, there was not much room for him there, so the “sad and muddy celery” welcomed him.

Since then, Belgrade has radically changed. It now houses the most beautiful train station in Europe (as a museum) that will adorn the monument to the great king, the man who laid the foundations of the modern Serbian nation at a time when most of today’s European nations did not even exist as noun. At a time when Western Europeans were not aware of themselves as humanoids, much less as a nation.

Why does Stefan Nemanja bother the other Serbia so much? Why is your monument so itchy? The snobbish and self-chauvinist quasi-elite cannot forgive him for severing ties between the Serbs and the Vatican. Just as each victim with Stockholm syndrome begins to cling to their executioner, the circle of two suffers terribly because Serbia is not part of a failed Western civilization, “little from the deck” on a sinking ship. In their petty bourgeoisie and superficiality, they do not see how magnificent is the vision of “the west in the east and the east in the west” conceived by the Nemanjić.

It is paradoxical that Dežulović calls Stefan Nemanja Baron Munchausen, although historiography does not doubt his existence in the slightest, and at the same time, in front of the Zagreb train station, stands a monument to King Tomislav, whose story is al less questionable. But, with his hand on his heart, Dežulović is not a representative of Croatia, his like-minded people live in the center of Belgrade.

I was born at sea, in Kvarner Bay, which the British declared one of the 10 most beautiful regions in the world. When I am in Rijeka, I am on the beach every day and I swim every day, regardless of the temperature, the rain, the storm … The sea is my life, and the only place where I do not miss the sea in Belgrade.

I like Zagreb because it is a city whose inhabitants filled the corridors in more than 100 of my lectures from the Fair to the Zagreb Observatory. Because I find good books in their antique stores. As I often walk through Tkalča and Gornji Grad, I stop at the Stone Gate that radiates a special energy, because my friends live there, because my mother was born there, because it is the most beautifully decorated place in Europe during Advent. Zagreb has the charm of an old man, but it can never be compared with the power of Belgrade in which every corner exudes the atmosphere of a world metropolis. The editor-in-chief of “Vogue”, the world’s most prestigious fashion magazine, wrote that only Belgrade has the energy of New York. There are two cities in the world, Belgrade and New York, the rest are places to live.

I wonder why Dežulović came to Belgrade and has been living there for 15 years, if Belgrade is a city.

Dežulović says that the reactions to his text are proof that he is right. Thank God the Serbs are finally reacting to the disparagement. People were not bothered by the fact that a journalist wrote that Belgrade is Jagodina for the rich (and Jagodina is one of the most beautiful small cities I have ever visited), but rather that these words come from a man who they perceive as a friend .
Belgrade will show its greatness by making Dežulović make a living here for the next 15 years. Because there are still signs that say “Zagreb” in the city center, while the first sign with the inscription “Belgrade” is 250 kilometers from the center of Zagreb, and it was placed there only when the Slavonika highway was built so that the Drivers not badly turned towards Budapest. In Croatia, for almost 30 years, there is not a single street associated with any connection with Serbs, and in Belgrade, more than 100 streets are named after Croatian historical figures or cities. I am writing this text from Bratstva i jedinstva street in Belgrade. There is no street west of Batrovac for a long time to go by that name.

If that style of knighthood was lost in Belgrade, it is because Dežulović’s friends, sons of communists from the center and Dedinje, shot the best belgraders, the pre-war knights in whose villas and apartments they live today.

I did not want to reply to Dežulović because I am participating in the campaign to promote his old book, which Belgrade is republishing with the biggest announcement. But it was good for me to point out the problem behind the problem.

Why does Dežulović spit on Belgrade, which feeds him? Because he realized that patriotism is not at stake in the elite circles of Belgrade, it is for the peasants and Gibbonists. The other Serbian elite grew up from a very young age on cherry tomatoes and tuna carpaccio (prepared in such a minimalist way that you can’t eat as much as you eat). Serbian tradition sucks them. It took Dežulović 15 years to understand that in the circle of two, chauvinism fares even better than Titoism. He received a second Serbian diploma in his last media appearance. He passed the high school graduation exam in Serbian auto-chauvinism.
You don’t need to react to Dežulović. Just act according to the rule “a monkey does what a monkey sees”. As long as the state allows the Soros Brigade of Janissaries to sit in the media, and in the faculties to the professors who approve the genocide in Jasenovac, we will have continuous attacks against everything that constitutes identity, tradition, customs, religion, history from Serbia … like mushrooms after the rain, not to treat individual cases.

There is a well-known story about children who did not like school, so they decided to kill the teacher. When Mulu Nasrudin was invited to join them, he replied: “If we kill a teacher, another teacher will come. We need to find a way to kill the school,” wrote Goran Saric.
