Why has the City Elections Commission not scheduled a session yet?


The Municipal Board of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) in Sabac today expressed concern about the fact that the Municipal Electoral Commission has not yet scheduled a session in which it must announce the results of the local elections, after the repetition in 27 schools electoral.

The party recalls that according to the law, the results must be announced within 24 hours after polling stations close.

“Considering all the ways in which the government tried to avoid the obvious electoral debacle of the current ruling coalition during the technical mandate, we express fear that in this case they are willing to violate the law for personal and party interests,” they said the progressives of Sabac.

They are also all citizens who have demonstrated their trust in large numbers and have confirmed their resounding victory with their votes.

“The victory of the progressive Serbs is even greater considering the catastrophic electoral conditions in which Dusan Petrovic and (the outgoing mayor) Nebojsa Zelenovic organized these elections and all the obstructions they carried out,” the statement said.

Only Zelenović and Petrović have not yet learned of the election results, so they can schedule a session of the City Election Commission. As soon as they recover from the shock caused by the fact that they lost despite all the lies, thefts, vote buying, blackmail of voters, threats and violations of the constitution and laws of Serbia, notes the City Board by SNS Sabac.


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Author: delivery courier
