WHY HAS NO MEDICINE BEING FOUND YET? Famous doctor Ana Gligić reveals: this is the only solution against the corona virus


– The problem is the mutations that are present in all viruses, but it turned out that coronaviruses have a specific, rapid mutation, because we already have mutants in the strain that appeared and now we have an even more intense form of the virus, contrary to what we expected – says the famous doctor Ana Gligić.

Treatment protocols are changed every few months, and patients receive antibodies obtained from the blood of patients who fought COVID, but without the vaccine, the end of the pandemic is not in sight, says the doctor.

– There is no cure except symptomatic therapy and treatment of the side effects that this virus can produce in the organs. It can cause changes in the blood picture, clotting appears, anticoagulants must be administered immediately, everything is fine. Otherwise, no drug works against the virus. Why can’t he? Because the virus is a parasite in the cell. If you want to kill the virus in the cell, you will kill the cell, thus creating a double problem for the organ, explained Dr. Gligić.

Had he not received the vaccine and the hyperimmunoglobulin, the question is how he would have helped curb the smallpox epidemic in Serbia in the early 1970s.

– At that time, hyperimmunigammaglobulin was used for special needs to save lives. But it was prepared in advance because smallpox was a plague on all continents, serum was extracted from survivors and stored somewhere. Since this disease produces long-term weakness, it is difficult to ask the convalescent and the patient for 300 milliliters of blood and, secondly, we still do not know everything about the crown, concluded the virologist Gligić.

The professional public can hear more and more often that the cure would have been discovered by now, if the virus had not mutated several times.

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