Why don’t Djilas and Marinika say if they are hiding their accounts in Switzerland and Mauritius? I have no bills anywhere


Tonight, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić asked the relevant mafia if certain opposition leaders were hiding money offshore, in Mauritius, Switzerland and other countries!

Vučić, on Marinika Tepić’s accusations, said that he had spoken to Mišo Vacić a thousand times and that he had also called people who were worse than him, such as Jeremić and Đilas.

– I’m a decent man, I always call. They admitted today that their biggest political opponent was eavesdropped on. Let’s face it, if I had talked to the black devil, they would have to stop listening. But I have a counter question. Have you been exchanging information with a Pančevo drug dealer for months? Diary. I ask this lady who works in the company of Dragan Djilas if it is true that she has accounts in Mauritius. Do you have accounts in Switzerland? – Vučić asked, and said that he has no accounts anywhere and that he has no crime.

The president also commented on the cover of “Danas”, which states that 90% of the people in Serbia do not live “the good life of Vučić”.

– I am aware that people do not live as they want. But we have peace, higher salaries and pensions, compared to the time when they brought money to Mauritius. These are such dramatic changes for the better that it is almost unbelievable. See how much our pensions have increased. Today, we reap the fruits of the hard work of 2015 and 2016. You always work harvesting tomorrow – he said.

Vučić emphasized that the difference between him and those who attack him is that he lives for Serbia, and that he is not interested in what they are talking about today, but in what he will speak in fifty years. He added that he would never allow the mob to destroy everything they had achieved.

– We will cut off the octopus of the mafia, and we will cut off those who believe they can rule Serbia, for someone else’s account and for someone else’s interests. I am proud of what Serbia has achieved in the last 9 years. We will fight to the end and take down the mafia and the dirty tycoons – concluded Vučić.

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