Why does the Anti-Corruption Council play as Sholak and Djilas?


ROUND OF SHOLAK: Why does the Anti-Corruption Council play as Sholak and Djilas?

Photo: Dragana Udovicic, Tamara Trajkovic, Zorana Jevtic, Printscreen, Illustration

The political-business lobby, led by United Group co-owner Dragan Solak and Justice and Freedom Party leader Dragan Djilas, again attacked Kurir, Wireless Media and Telecom through Djilas employee and vice president. The whole point is to pressure our house so that we no longer write about all their machinations and combinations, but we also tell them this time that it won’t work for you.

At the same time, this pressure group continued to exert criminal pressure on the Governing Council for the Fight against Corruption and the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Serbia, by yesterday filing criminal charges against Telecom Director General Predrag Ćulibrko, Councilor Miroslav Milićević and the Prosecutor of the Republic Zagorka Dolovac. .

Chase and happiness

However, it is not clear why the Anti-Corruption Council is remarkably silent and under pressure from the aforementioned business political lobby and its media. The question also arises as to why the Council works with the dictates of this lobby and why it allows its only communication channel with the Serbian public to be H1 and other media owned by the United Group. That is why we ask the Council if it intends to defend its objectivity, impartiality and independence in its work and open itself to other media, or if it will continue to maintain “exclusivity” only for United Group media. Until then, the bitter impression remains that the Council is working according to the dictates of the political-business lobby and that it serves the interests of Sholak and Djilas.

Dragan Šolak
Dragan Šolakphoto: Printscreen, Zorana Jevtić, Illustration
Jelisaveta Vasilić, Dragan Đilas, Marinika Tepić and Miroslav Milićević
Jelisaveta Vasilić, Dragan Đilas, Marinika Tepić and Miroslav Milićevićphoto: Zorana Jevtić, Tamara Trajković, Drgana Udovičić, Illustration

Well, let’s go in order. The Djilas employee, whose duties are to unreasonably cloud the competition, continued the persecution, again grossly misleading the public and making old fabrications, falsehoods, and flat accusations on the subject of the contractual relationship between Telecom and Wireless Media. This agreement, to repeat it once again, is neither fictitious nor false, as the political-business lobby persistently puts pressure on the public. The fact is that the Djilas employee once published an incomplete copy of the aforementioned contract obtained by theft.

And the fact is also that it came into the legal business that is a contract in the economy without any element of nature, authority or interest of public law, or without any influence on property and public finances. And not only that. The Anti-Corruption Council also involved interest and business lobby in this dirty game. The origin of the Council’s interest in meeting such a contract is completely unusual and inexplicable, since this body, according to information available on the website, “deals with individual cases only if they indicate a broader phenomenon, which highlights the sources of greater corruption in economics and politics “. .

They give themselves authority

Wireless Media with Telecom’s business does not include in the least the provision of public goods, budgetary funds, or anything else that goes beyond the framework of commercial market operations and contractual relationships of two legally equal economic entities.

Therefore, the question arises with what powers the Council has given itself, or what powers has the political-business lobby artificially imposed on it, which is why some members of the Council have stood out in public appearances on this issue, while prominent members of the political wing of Sholak and Djilas lobby. We are rightly afraid that the Council will not act as an advisory body to the Government of Serbia in this case, with the authority to review anti-corruption activities, propose measures to be taken to effectively combat corruption, monitor their implementation and give initiatives for regulation. programs and other acts and measures in this area. On the other hand, the political-business lobby wants to turn the Council into a pseudo-judicial body that decides on the legality, legal validity and possible damage to the contracting parties, of an individual legal transaction between two economic entities.

Editorial comment

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
