The burning water “set fire” to social networks, but not to those responsible for the local “Waterworks”, where they point out that this is common for the flat area of Banat because there has always been methane in the well water.
– This is not a sensational and unique case, it has happened before in Tomaševac, Beli Blato and some other towns. The methane in the soil is simply in the pipes and that is why water towers are being made, say “Vodovod” experts unofficially, noting that they are not authorized to be officially announced.

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Zdravko Milankov from Zrenjanin, who recently bought a house in Stajićevo, tried, for him, a surprising and unusual experiment: lighting water in the bathroom with a lighter. When he did, he was convinced of the veracity of the stories circulating around town for some time, that water with an easily flammable ingredient, methane, flows into tap water. He shared that video on social media.
– The story has been circulating in this town for a long time, where my girlfriend is from and where I bought the house, that the water is enriched with a strange liquid, which tastes like gas and is flammable – says Zdravko. – Now I believe in the stories that two machines caught fire in the village and that the woman ended up in hospital with burns after trying to repair the washing machine. The spark came into contact with the water and caught fire. I’m a bit scared and that’s why I decided to share the video.
Stajićevo residents use clean water and so far there have been no problems. There were no official prohibitions on the use of drinking water. The composition of the land south of Zrenjanin is such that it contains a large number of different gases, including methane, which is flammable. When it is present in higher quantities, it can also cause an explosion, which used to happen in this area, and now, as they say in “Vodovod”, there is none.
The problem of the presence of methane, they say in the JKP ad “Vodovod i kanalizacija”, exists since then and the water supply system in the settlements south of Zrenjanin. They explain that this problem is solved by building a water tower or a tank at ground level, and when methane is found in the water, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the premises, because this gas is lighter than air.
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