“WHY DID NOBODY RAP ME?”: Lidija Vukićević surprised the public with her statement, she also attacked Biković!


While some think that the actress does not need to lie to the masses and the judiciary about such a serious case, many believe that it is impossible for a famous and respectable actor and politician to be capable of such a week.

– Lecic is a wonderful colleague, a wonderful man and a fantastic actor. I’ve known him for years, since college. We hung out then, and he was already a famous actor. I only have the best words about him. As for the current case, and that Leka raped that actress, there is no applause without second hand. That’s how I look. And what disgusts me the most is the superficiality of some of the actors who defend that Daniela Steinfeld. They take to court before trial. What kind of colleagues are those? What shallow people he is. They do work that requires them to be meaningful, and they are superficial, they judge. They no longer belong to humans but to the horde that stones and anathematizes. I do not understand that. I am deeply disappointed with those people, who will not play with Lek. Let me tell you, I don’t feel like playing with them when I know what kind of people they are, said Lidija Vukićević for Svet and brutally condemned actress Mirjana Karanović, Miloš Biković and others, for a move that, as she says, is not moral in absolute.

– Mirjana Karanović should remain silent. I do not know on what basis it will not act. Well, we could also say that we wouldn’t work with her when she acted in a movie where Serbs rape and spit on our people. By that logic, it is also not moral when everyone invokes morality. The fact that Mirjana, Biković, Radonjić and others chose not to play Branislav is an extreme shame. He is a great actor and I can only look at him and admire him.

The actress has a clear vision that Branislav did not rape Daniel and, in her opinion, Steinfeld did not want and did not have a clear vision of what he wanted and what he did not want.

– Leka is not a maniac. He is a handsome boy who does not need him at all. I wonder how nobody raped me. Here, I have been on stage for 30 years or so, I am not ugly neither like that nor like that. I was one of the most popular actresses in the former Yugoslavia. I’m not saying that men didn’t impose themselves on me that way, but nobody raped me, they were all reasonable and understood the rejection. And we were still good friends and we still dated. I had a clear attitude at the cost of losing the role. I can’t claim, but I guess that actress probably didn’t want anything there, I don’t know what she was doing. Which means that she said, “No, no.” Be careful, please. If she screamed, she’s not a maniac, so let him attack her. And he discovers it after nine years. And right now that movie is coming out, says Vukićević and adds:

– I almost played with Lek and will always play with him. I know him very well. You have my absolute support. What happened to Milena is another story. She was a girl, in that school, there are other circumstances and I certainly wouldn’t compare that to this story. Leka’s situation is much clearer.

Lidija Vukićević presented her opinion of the whole situation to the Serbian Telegraph and commented on the actions and statements of her colleagues in this case:

– Miloš Biković’s actions are very bad. He recently said that a man is what he is on the inside and not on the outside, so it is not clear to me why he leads to court before trial. You cannot blame and label someone without any evidence. I assume that we are a state governed by the rule of law and there are agencies that will deal with the “Lecic-Steinfeld” case. It is incomprehensible to me that he says that he no longer wants to play with Lek, and we still do not know anything about that violation. Lecic is a wonderful man and colleague, someone who is a substantial man and I’ve known him since he was 20 or so, so I can’t believe he’s a rapist, that is, he did everything to Daniel. On the other hand, you know how they say, “There is no applause without a second hand.” Why has no one ever raped me in 30 years of work? You all know that I was one of the most beautiful actresses in the former Yugoslavia, I was courted by the producers, both of them, but nobody ever raped me. Leka is certainly not a maniac, and they did it! That is terrible for me, so you have to wait for everything and you should not take a judicial decision in vain. As for Mira Karanovic, do you remember that she played a Muslim woman who was raped by Serbs in a movie? So, as far as I can remember, none of us rebelled and said, “I’m sorry, Miro, I won’t be playing with you.” We could have said that, said that he desecrated our people, but that didn’t happen. He jumped on Lek a lot, as if he didn’t want to play with him. Listen, let me tell you, he won’t play with them! These are all hazy to me, says the actress, adding:

– Pity! I know the actors well, I won’t generalize, but many are ready to tag you without further analysis. That is amazing to me. So, I hold the view that no one is guilty until proven otherwise. No one dragged Daniel into that weekend house and made him do anything. I’m not saying she should have been raped there, of course, but I guess she knew where she was going. What is rape after all? I think it’s when someone puts a knife down your throat and threatens or does some things. She was like saying “no no”. What “no, no”? Only if he physically forced her, so she couldn’t get out of the car. I’m certainly terrified that everyone will bring a tribunal to court. What are they? Superhuman ?! I have a beautiful opinion about Leka. We worked together for a long time, there was never any indication that he was trying to do something to me. He’s a handsome, handsome man and he doesn’t need that. He will not run safely after women, but they will run after him. Those who condemn him constantly talk about Christianity and do everything that is beyond their beliefs. They say they are believers and condemn everyone in turn. No one held a candle to her so she could find out what happened in the car with Daniel. That will be decided by the court and that is my clear position, concluded Lidija.


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