Why coffee costs so much in a restaurant and parking will be on the agenda, an order has been issued



03.11.2020. 16:39

Ivica Dačić

Ivica Dacic, Photo: Tanjug / Dragan Kujundzic

President of the Assembly of Serbia Ivica Dacic held a Collegium today with the vice-presidents of parliament and heads of parliamentary groups and said that the law would no longer be passed by emergency procedure, that work would be done to restore the reputation of parliament and that all the bad things would be removed to address the essence.

Dacic told assembly reporters that he would hold regular Collegiums every Tuesday at 9 am and that anything that could be arranged would be discussed.

– Since various media talk about various topics, I had to familiarize myself with why coffee costs so much in a restaurant. We will return to consider the issue of parking in front of Parliament. We agreed to direct the Secretary General to take care of this. I don’t want that to be the topic you are reporting on, because we have to get back to core, Dacic said.

Dacic said that they established clear rules in today’s Collegium session, and one of them is that there will be no approval of the law by urgent procedure, unless it is in the interest of the state, but says it will be an exception, not a rule. .

He indicated that a public hearing will be organized on each law, and when the budget rebalancing and the budget for next year are discussed, there will be no merger of that point with other points and the discussion time will be doubled.

– We are talking about the parliamentary commissions being active, talking with the ministers of those areas, not only when it comes to laws, but also when some other issues are topical, said Dacic.

Dacic He said that the Serbian Parliament would be ready to make a key contribution to the political stability and unity of Serbia.
