Why are you hiding it if he’s a powerful guy? You are apologizing, you are insecure!


Ruška Jakić and actress Iva Štrljić clashed on the show, and Ruški didn’t like the way the actress talked about men, so he decided to tell her in person what he thought of her.

photo: Print screen

“You’re constantly justifying yourself, because you’re not sure you didn’t find the right guy,” the host told the actress, and she couldn’t believe what she was hearing, so she replied:

“Ruška, how do you know? We’re not two close friends! And even if we were, you wouldn’t know it again, because I don’t tell my friends anything either,” Iva said on the show “Magazin In”, but Ruška doesn’t He stopped:

“Why are you hiding if he’s such a powerful guy? I wouldn’t hide it at all,” the host said to the actress, to which she replied:

“I’m not going to say anything else, I’ll just sit back and be beautiful.”

photo: Print screen

Kurir.rs / MM

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Author: delivery courier
