“WHO WILL I DANCE WITH NOW?” The youngest victim of the earthquake in Croatia recently turned 13, in the words of his mother BREAK THE SOUL


Who am I going to dance with now … who am I going to dance with now? – terrible sobs and screams broke the hearts of those gathered around the home of the Petrinja Cvijić family.

The mother, who works as a sales clerk in a Petrinja shopping center, learned that her little girl was killed in the earthquake. They pulled her out of the rubble, tried for a long time to restore her heartbeat, but there was no help for her.

And about ten days ago, on December 22, Laura celebrated her 13th birthday with friends and family, with a cake, a handful of wishes, and plans. Below the photo with the cake and the birthday wishes on your Facebook profile, the last greetings were left: “Rest in peace, angels”, write “Večernji.hr”.

An elementary school student who loved to dance, he is the youngest of the seven victims of the earthquake that struck Banovina and shook all of Croatia.

Girls Laura C. from Petrinja, Franjo and Mario Tomić, Dušan Bulat, Mile Jurković and Darko Kožić from Majske Poljane near Glina and Stanko Zec from Žažina lost their lives in a terrible earthquake on Tuesday.

In Majske Poljane, a town near Glina with about 200 inhabitants, great pain. Hour by hour Tuesday afternoon and evening news came in of the dead, whose bodies rescuers removed under bricks, wooden beams and tiles. Five locals lost their lives, including a father and son.

Father and son were killed

Mario Tomić was a policeman at Glina Penitentiary, and his father Franjo was a retiree who used to work as a janitor at the school. The family moved to this poor area in the mid-1990s. The father and son ended up together when the roof of the house collapsed. His wife and mother were working at the time. Twenty-year-old Darko Kožić died in the house he borrowed for earlier in the year. He came home from work and his roof collapsed. I was alone in the house.

After the first earthquake on Monday, Dušan Bulat received help, people gave him a washing machine and a stove, he was on the heating list, but he did not receive them. Sadness also gripped Žažina in Lekenik municipality.

Died in church

Sadness also gripped Žažina in Lekenik municipality. Božidar Škofač and four other people were in the church of Sv. Nikola and Vida. Among them was organist Stanko Zec, who was between 76 and 77 years old.

– We came to collect more valuable things from the altars, such as embroidered blankets, and tear down the manger. Organist Stanko went to cover the organ with nylon to protect it from dust. And in that moment it happened. It was a terrible blow, I saw a chandelier hanging from the vault fall, it collapsed right in that central part. I knew the collapse would extend to the edges, so I quickly hid under the table. I crawled under it and there was a terrible noise and dust. The table was covered in brick and dust, as were the benches. The entire roof fell, only the walls remained. Three companions fled to the sacristy and began to call us. I answered, but Stanko didn’t. There was no voice from him, he probably died immediately. They called an ambulance, which arrived in about ten minutes.

Meanwhile, a man ran, ran barefoot, started moving the bricks and released me. I thought my leg was broken, but it wasn’t. When she picked me up, I was able to step on her. Someone else jumped out and they took me out of the ruined church, they gave me water. Fortunately, I only have minor injuries to my legs and some bruises from hitting the body with a brick. It hurts today, it doesn’t hurt yesterday. It is important that the live head is on the shoulder. A fellow organist, unfortunately, left – said Božidar, who knew the late Stanko well.

– I led the church choir and he played. He has three children and a wife. He was very committed to the church as a believer, he always helped. He was a good man – adds Božidar Škofač.

VIDEO: Chaos in the streets of Croatia after the earthquake
