WHO WILL BE THE NEW POLICE MINISTER? Vučić announced Stefanović’s departure from the Interior Ministry and a decisive fight against the mafia, and a TASK OF HELL awaits his successor.


A few days before Serbia finally knows what the new government will look like, it is certain that we will have a new Interior Minister in place of Nebojsa Stefanovic. Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić announced last night that Stefanović will step down from the role of first man in the Interior Ministry and will move to another “important place in the security system”. The basic question now is who will be his successor, all the more so because Vučić announced at the same time the decisive fight of the state against the mafia.

Although there are no official confirmations, there is increasing speculation in the media that Aleksandar Vulin could take over the police department. Whoever takes on that job, of course, will have a difficult task.

Aleksandar VučićPhoto: A. Slavković / RAS Serbia

Aleksandar Vučić

The final answer to that question, but also to the question of who will be the new ministers, should be given on Sunday after the new session of the Presidency of the SNS. However, after Vučić’s speech last night, two things became clear: the state will start a clash with the mafia and the Interior Ministry will get a new minister.

“We will hit the mafia on the head with a hammer,” Vučić said twice in a few days.

Judging by its appearance and insistence on this problem, it could be said that it will be a priority of the government whose mandate will be of limited duration until 2022. Moreover, because the president did not hide that the mafia has its people in the state, in several services.

– Our results are good, but in recent months the war of non-Serbian clans has spread to our streets. They thought they could do whatever they wanted. The fight against the mafia is constantly taking place, but now it will be the fiercest, because all state bodies will coordinate for that – he said.

All state bodies, all ministries of force, all agencies, services, will dedicate themselves to it in a coordinated manner, he added, emphasizing that “everyone who believes himself stronger than the state will show that he is wrong.”

Meetings prior to government formation: Collaboration partnersPhoto: Oliver Bunić, Instagram Budućnost Srbije / screenshot

Meetings prior to government formation: Collaboration partners

He didn’t talk about specific clans, names, and crime cases, but something can be read between the lines. What is worrying, more than anything, is that the president said that the mafia has its people in the country, in various services.

And precisely for this reason, for this job, you need someone you trust, who looks at the solution to the problem with the same eyes.

Never has less information leaked to the public in the period of government formation than today. It was almost impossible to find a specific name, and all we’ve officially heard is that there will be big surprises in Nemanjina 11.

Yesterday, we also received confirmation that Ivica Dačić is no longer the head of diplomacy and Nebojsa Stefanović is the Minister of Police. According to Vučić, Stefanović will do important work in the security sector in the future.

Responding to journalists’ question about whether the change in the Interior Ministry means that he is not satisfied with the work of the Police Minister, Vučić said:

– I’m sorry you didn’t listen to me, the police achieved better results in all areas. I heard different stories, how Nebojsa will depress me … I have known Nebojsa for 22, 23 years, he will do important work in the security sector.

So far, the head of the BIA, Bratislav Gasic, the outgoing Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ivica Dacic, and finally, what is increasingly true, the current Minister of Defense, Aleksandar Vulin, have been publicly cited as possible successors to Stefanovic. .
