WHO WILL BE ARRESTED FIRST! A TOP OF THE STATE official drives a car valued at 400,000 euros and collaborates with the MAFIA! Are the police already prosecuting him?


WHO WILL BE ARRESTED FIRST!  A TOP OF THE STATE official drives a car valued at 400,000 euros and collaborates with the MAFIA!  Are the police already prosecuting him?

Photo: Nemanja Nikolić, Shutterstock

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, revealed on the TV Happy program “Ćirilica” that “some people from the state apparatus” got involved in the conflict between two mafia clans, that he had already received information about certain people and that the competent authorities doing his job. In this connection, Vučić also mentioned a person or persons from the public administration who are “photographed in vehicles worth 400,000 euros each”. The presentation of such information on national frequency television means only one thing to people in the security sector: those public officials the president is talking about are already being prosecuted by the police and arrests will soon follow at the top! of the state!

photo: Damir Dervišagić

The mafia entered the service

– We will solve the problem of the mafia. Some people thought they could do whatever they wanted. The problem is not only in the conflict between the two clans, but in the fact that they included some people from the state apparatus. The authorities are doing their job. I have already received information from some people. You know, when people are portrayed in vehicles that are worth 400,000 euros each, and they work in the public function, you have to wonder where it came from, who gave it to them and what for. These mobsters cannot exist without someone in the state system, Vučić said, adding:

– The information came from such state structures to involve my family in the mafia shops. They agreed on everything, as well as for Jovanjica and the rest. I tell you now: we will defeat them all.

Vučić also claimed that he knows what his job is, and therefore does not pay attention to threats, nor does he want to hear about them.

photo: Stefan Jokić

The story is already complete

Evaluating the accusations of the President of Serbia, Mile Novaković, a retired police colonel and former head of the “Poskok” police group, says that the accusations are very serious.

– The president would not say that if he did not already have data on some people close to the government, involved in the crime. One can expect the arrest and prosecution of someone at the top of the government, which would be the beginning of the announced war against the mob, says Novakovic, and when asked if that means that some officials are already under surveillance / prosecution, said:

– As I understand the president, serious police procedures are underway. Hope we have some results soon.

photo: print screen

Boro Banjac, former director of UBPOK, also believes arrests will follow soon.

– If it is known who these state officials are, I hope that the state bodies will react and clarify that. In Serbia you know who does what. I hope we have the will and the strength to expose that. The state must react effectively to such phenomena – says Banjac, in addition to being convinced that the person or persons of whom the President of Serbia speaks are being prosecuted.

– I hope that the president’s statements will be confirmed and that the arrest of that official will take place in the next few days – adds Banjac.


Zorana Mihajlović, Minister of Energy

A confrontation with everyone who helps the mafia.

photo: Facebook Printscreen

How do I know that (who is that officer)! I have never sat in a car like this in my life … But the bottom line is that the state must take care of the mafia and everyone who helps the mafia.

Ratko Dmitrović, Minister of Demography

There is no middle ground here

photo: Tamara Trajković

The mafia, by definition, cannot organize or survive without the help of state services. If we do not solve it now, without the slightest commitment, the next official will be in a car valued at 500,000 euros, and security in the country is weakened. There is no middle ground here, nor should there be a tie. The situation is one or the other.

Ivica Dacic, President of the Assembly

I support the fight

photo: Courier

I absolutely support the uncompromising fight against crime and the punishment of all the people of the state apparatus who participate in it.

Kurir.rs/ Katarina Blagović Photo: Nemanja Nikolić, Shutterstock

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Author: delivery courier
