WHO RUNS THE MAFIA! The criminal group sows fear and terrorizes the citizens, they resent Vučić and a strong Serbia!


By announcing a ruthless showdown with the mafia, the Serbian state has shown determination to enter a war that will destroy criminal groups and reveal in the hands of which political structures they were an instrument. It is clear that a strong Serbia, led by Aleksandar Vučić, is an obstacle for them and that they are prepared for anything in order to preserve their positions and the enormous power they have gained.

Pushed against the wall

It is indicative that the mafia intensified its activities – liquidations, kidnappings, extortion, robberies, sowing fear – at the same time when the unity of all Serbs in the region is the largest so far and when the State has carried out important offensives diplomats when it comes to solving the problems of Kosovo and Metohija. . And we must never forget that the circumstances were almost the same in 2003, when the then Prime Minister of Serbia, Zoran Djindjic, was assassinated in a conflict with the Zemun clan and the parts of the state that were behind them. The state was later defeated by the mafia and we must never allow it again. The connections of the then clandestine with the political structures have never been investigated, but their undoubted existence, even when Djindjic was assassinated, and today, when the State once again enters the war against crime, warns and warns.

Despite these circumstances, the President of Serbia is determined to “disband the gang with a hammer to the head,” as he recently said. One thing is for sure: this ad pushed the mob against the wall, and it looks like they won’t sit idly by, but rather prepare a response. Some security guards estimate that they will even beat up the president’s family and associates.

photo: Marina Lopicic

Here we must ask ourselves who runs the mafia, that is, who, as Vučić said, “thought that he should move a center from another region to Belgrade, to replace another republic of the former Yugoslavia with Belgrade.” Is this a criminal group that terrorizes the citizens of Serbia, and is it close to the Kavac clan, which is associated with certain political groups in Montenegro? Insiders believe that the gang Vučić mentions is actually a mafia that certain political structures use for their own ends. These political groups are even capable of directing these criminal groups to believe that they are working in their own interest, when in reality they are working for the objectives of these political structures.

Retired KOS Lieutenant Colonel Ljuban Karan says the mafia is an instrument of some political structures at the moment.

– It is more visible when, with the help of mafia structures, riots are made by order, various provocations are applied or when violence is applied against individuals who are politically dissident. The part of the opposition that uses violence wants to come to power by force, and that is where the connection with the mafia is glimpsed. But other political structures have a secret connection to the mafia. Mutual interest is often found: political structures use the mafia to gain power and authority, and the mafia gets a group that won’t deal with it, explains Karan.

They want political power

SDPS leader Rasim Ljajic, who was a close associate of Zoran Djindjic, warns that the mob is never satisfied with financial power alone, but also strives for political power.

– The fight against crime and the mafia is one of the state priorities and a precondition for the creation of a normal society and a stable state. This is why this announcement by President Vučić is of great importance and deserves the support of the entire public. The mafia is never satisfied with the financial power gained by crime, but the next step is the conquest of political power and influence. We had the opportunity to see how the Zemun clan functioned after 2000, and it all culminated in 2003 with the assassination of Prime Minister Djindjic. If you don’t deal with the mafia in time, then there won’t be a more serious or stronger democratic state or society, says Ljajić.

Mile novakovic


The former head of the Criminal Police Directorate, Mile Novaković, has repeatedly emphasized that the most important thing is to uncover the connection between organized crime and individuals in state institutions.

photo: Stefan Jokić

– Even the best police team cannot discover and test this connection in a few days. It is a process that requires the most professional monitoring of criminal groups and their associates. Only serious professional work can prove that connection, Novakovic told Express.

Rajko Danilović


Lawyer Rajko Danilović says it would be extraordinary to deal with the mob to the end:

photo: Vladimir Šporčić

– It is obvious that the attempt to deal with the mafia failed in 2003, and it is good that a new attempt was announced. That is the most important strength of politicians. There is always the danger of the mafia, but the danger is also the weakness of the politicians. Everyone is clear that it is necessary to fight the mafia. It would be extraordinary to carry out that reckoning to the end. I have no expectations before I see results.

What Are All The Creepy Methods That “Couch People” Use

Extortion, mutilation …

According to the security structures, the Kavački clan is one of the fiercest criminal groups also operating in Serbia. In addition to murders and kidnappings, “Kavcani” also participates in organized crime of businessmen. Their targets are primarily bar owners and investors involved in building construction. The media reported that this clan was responsible for several liquidations, but also for the recent attack on Aleksandar Šarc, who was shot in the head with two bullets in the middle of the day at the “Ušće” shopping center in Belgrade. According to the media, the members of this group have been sharing images of mutilations of some people among themselves for months, and now the police have taken possession of those photos. Threats, sowing fear and ruthless treatment of the people they attack are the main means of work for this group and the main reason why extortion cases are not reported to the police.

Messaging team / Photo: Shutterstock

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