“WHO KILLED MY SON?” The mother of the liquidated young man fainted, he had FALSE DOCUMENTS, the murderer arrived in the ELECTRIC Scooter


Bojan M. (34), who was killed today around 3.30 p.m. in the garage of the building on Đorđe Stanojevića street in the Belville neighborhood of New Belgrade, allegedly had false documents in the name of Jordan B, for which he was initially misidentified. There is still no official confirmation on the identity of the injured.

According to the “Blic” reporter at the scene, the masked killer Bojan was allegedly waiting in the garage. When the young man saw him, he ran, but could not escape. He was shot several times in front of the underground garage.

The killer allegedly arrived on an electric scooter.

The mother of the murdered young man also arrived at the scene of the crime crying for her injured son.

– Who killed my son? Let me see it, let me go! – Shouted the mother who, shortly after, fainted. Right now, the neighbors and the ambulance team are trying to get her back.

Bojan M.Photo: Social networks

Bojan M.

In a conversation with a reporter from “Blic”, the neighbors say that Bojan M. was an exemplary and educated young man, who always appeared.

“We couldn’t even assume that he was involved in some business that could get him hurt,” said the neighbors.

Filming in New BelgradePhoto: RAS Serbia

Filming in New Belgrade

The shooting, as eyewitnesses told us, occurred in the garage of the building, and they only realized that something was going on when they heard the police sirens.

Filming in New BelgradePhoto: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

Filming in New Belgrade

– We did not hear gunshots or noise, we only saw when the police began to arrive. Some police cars have been here since this morning, and other patrols arrived in the afternoon, a worker from a nearby bar told us.

According to our reporter on the scene, the man, who was apparently a tenant in the building where the shooting took place, was returning home when he saw the attacker and ran toward the apartment building.

Tire, Shopping Center, New BelgradePhoto: RAS / RAS Serbia

Tire, Shopping Center, New Belgrade

A large number of police officers are conducting an on-site investigation and the entrance to the building is blocked.
