Who is the first Albanian in The Hague? He spent five years in a Serbian prison


Salih Mustafa was detained in Kosovo on the basis of an arrest warrant and a confirmed indictment issued by an investigating judge of the Specialized Chambers.

Source: RTS



Saljih Mustafa has been a member of the National Liberation Movement since 1988, under the leadership of Afrim Zitije, Fahri Fazlija and Fadil Vata.

During his illegal activities, the Serbian police arrested him in 1993 and he was sentenced to five years in prison for organizing an armed uprising.

In August 1997, after serving his prison sentence, Mustafa set about organizing and deploying the so-called ELK in the Pristina, Obilic, Gjilan, Vitina and Kamenica region, the Pristina media report.

He directed the so-called guerrilla units. The KLA under the guerrilla name “BIA” until the establishment of the “Lab” and “Karadak” operational areas.

Mustafa was an accomplice of Bahri Fazli, Agron Rahmani, Ilir Konjuševci and Raif Kelja, Fatmir Humoli, Isa Kastrati and many other personalities, the so-called KLA.

He was the head of the intelligence department of the Kosovo Protection Corps and later the intelligence adviser to Prime Minister Agim Ceku.
