
Nenad Alajbegović, alias Alibeg (39), was injured tonight in a shooting in New Belgrade. The former leader of the Partizan fan group “Zabranjeni” was previously wounded four times in waiting rooms, in June, then nine months ago, in 2019 and 2010, and also has a long criminal record.

Alajbegović has been known to the police as a drug dealer for a long time. There are more than 60 criminal acts on record and he was first arrested when he was only 12 years old.

In July 2010, he miraculously escaped unharmed when a waiting room was built in front of the building where he lived, in Ulica narodnih heroja in New Belgrade. He was then shot by an unknown man as he was leaving the building, but the three bullets fired missed him.

When his assassination attempt was attempted again last year near the New Belgrade municipality, he refused to cooperate with the police.

– It may have been a clash between fan groups, but it is more likely that he was shot due to some unsolved criminal cases – a source familiar with the case at the time told “Blic”.

Leader of the Partizan fan group

By the way, Nenad was for a long time one of the leaders of the Partizan fan group “Forbidden”, which has been in fierce conflict with the rival faction “Alcatraz” for years. Police officers and security experts have repeatedly pointed out that behind the fanatic conflicts is not only dominance in the stands, but control of the drug market in Belgrade and other criminal matters, in which the “common” fanatics, close to the leaders, are practically their soldiers.

Nenad’s brother, Dejan, was one of the leaders of the Partizan fans and was assassinated 15 years ago. Alajbegović is well known to our police, and he has 67 criminal charges behind him, and according to some data, he was arrested for the first time when he was only 12 years old, when he was not yet criminally responsible.

He was in a prison when he was a minor

Already at the age of 16, he was convicted for the first time as a minor and sent to the Kruševac Correctional Institution.

After leaving the prison, Alajbegović was detained several times. Ten years ago, in 2009, he was also a murder suspect in Zemun.

By 2011, he already had 68 criminal charges on his file, and by that time he had been sentenced to a total of three times in prison, for causing serious bodily injury, possession of an illegal weapon, but also for a financial offense.

Arrests also abroad

After serving those brief sentences, Nenad became known in 2015, when he was arrested in Banja Luka, where he was hiding because the Belgrade police wanted him for theft.

During the arrest in Republika Srpska, police found more than 800 ecstasy tablets and a small amount of marijuana in the apartment they were using.

His aunt’s sister killed his brother

Dejan Alajbegović (30), Nenad’s brother, was assassinated on April 29, 2004 in a cafe on the terrace of the “Fontana” cinema in New Belgrade. Dejana was killed by Aleksandra Vučetić, called Duda, the sister of the Alajbegović brothers’ aunt.

Duda escaped after the crime, but was soon arrested for Dejan’s murder and sentenced to eight years in prison.

During the trial, he defended himself, claiming that Dejan mistreated his mother and that this was the reason why he shot him. Dejan had been in prison twice before, for extortion and fighting.
