Who is in whose cafe: Mutual accusations, and the measures are violated by both the government and the opposition.


While the government is relying on people’s awareness that they will not visit restaurants and nightclubs during the chaos with the coronavirus, the recordings of those places do not show that, especially when it comes to the interior. The ruling parties reduce everything to a political struggle, although the owners of restaurants and discos behave the same regardless of the political option they represent.

Last week, the Minister of Police was filmed without a mask in a hair salon. This week, we could see that one of the opposition leaders, Vuk Jeremic, respected the measures at the party meeting, but not at the cafe.

Belgrade Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić explains that the problems are caused by cafes owned by close opposition to the opposition and cites the example of Lazarevac.

“… where the Kristal bar owned by Miloš Petković, who is otherwise vice chairman of the city committee of Dragan Đilas’s party used to work, where they worked until I don’t know how many nights, a party was held, while everyone else restaurants and cafes in Lazarevac were carefully closed within 23 hours, “Vesić said.

Although Vesić is well aware of the situation in Lazarevac, he does not mention what the La Fayette nightclub is like in the very center of Belgrade on Karađorđeva street, where the communal militia was not.

He looked happy at the restaurant “Avlija” in the village of Glušci on November 13. The restaurant of the Nova.rs portal ensures that all the measures were respected: “No measure was violated. 30 people were allowed in, at that time there were ten.”

Just one day earlier, the first man from the SNS Bogatić municipality, Milan Damjanović, introduced a state of emergency with clear measures.

“It is forbidden to gather indoors and outdoors for more than five people if it is not possible to provide a physical distance of two meters and adequate personal protection measures,” he said at the time.

The independent association of catering companies Kragujevac told H1 television that all guests should be the same everywhere.

“I believe that we should all adhere to epidemiological measures in the same way. They were designed with the intention of causing the correct effect, so in that sense we must all be equal,” said Snezana Mitrovic of that association.

In Serbia, until this weekend, people first looked for a place in a nightclub, and then they looked for one more bed in hospitals.
