WHO IS BEHIND THE ŠARC SHOOTING: They are suspected of having participated in the liquidation of Ljubomir Marković Kića.


There are operational suspicions that the same criminal group hides behind all these events, which has grown significantly stronger in recent years.

– At this moment, the disappearance of the young Vukićević, who was last seen in Banovo brdo, on the night of August 14, is causing the most public attention – says our source of the investigation. – He was good to Šarc, who was shot twice in the head by an unknown attacker three days later. He’s still in a coma and the appliances are keeping him alive.

According to some information, Šarac, who normally lives in Banovo brdo, offered to help the Vukićević family find the missing Lazar, when he was suspected of being abducted, as well as his friends. The car they were using also disappeared.

– Apart from the acquaintance, Vukićević and Šarc are also connected by the fact that the same criminal group probably worked in their heads – says our interlocutor. – We suspect that the same team kidnapped one of the leaders of the Partizan fans, Goran Veličković Goksi. We don’t know what happened to him. He disappeared in the center of Belgrade, on Visegradska Street.


AT THE BEGINNING of September this year, on the Instagram page of one of the black and white fan groups, a threat to Aleksandar Šarc (pictured) appeared, where they call him “a snitch and he will end up like other snitches”, listing several other names, some of whom were killed. others seriously injured. Photos of him and his wife have been posted. As soon as the public found out about that page, it was suddenly closed.

Members of the Belgrade police are putting the dice together in all these events, especially around the disappearance of Vukićević. He narrowly escaped death in October last year when an explosive device was planted under his father’s Porsche, which he was driving, in Vracar. Only by sheer luck was he almost unharmed from the terrible detonation.

– This clan is attributed some other liquidations, something similar in power and arrogance to the “Zemun people” – says our interlocutor. – The investigation against him takes several months.

According to some indications, this group is also behind the liquidation of Ljubomir Markovic Kica, in November last year in Belgrade. The murder of this leader of one of the Partizan fan groups is very reminiscent of the armed attack on Šarc. Both events were recorded by cameras, the shooter was alone, he did not worry about numerous witnesses, and both attackers have a characteristic gait.

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