Who is behind the “Djilas Thief” proclamation?


The action, initiated by the deputy of the Serbian Progressive Party Vladimir Djukanovic, allegedly carried out by the Youth Initiative, also came on Sunday night to a building where the children of the opposition leader Dragan Djilas live. Children of 8 and 3 years old heard the announcement of “Thieves of Djilasa”. The SSP leader did not want to hide the fear and tears of his children.

Spontaneous gatherings in Serbian cities at the time of the movement’s ban translate as the Progressives of Youth Initiatives say. The announcement also reached the building where the family of the Liberty party leader and great-grandfather Dragan Djilas live.

“They released the ‘Djilas thieves’ from the loudspeakers my children heard here for 30 meters where they lived, cried and trembled with fear because you were Aleksandar Vucic … letting out your lies about this,” Djilas said in a message. on social media right after this event.

Early in the morning, Serbian presidential adviser Suzana Vasiljevic denied that she was all cheap political performance for collecting political points because, as he says, Đilas calls Vucic days a madman and a psychopath.

“No one mentioned their children last night, they were not under the window. I understood that they were on the roof of a building that was nearby, so it was heard. But why would their children be more protected than President Vucic’s children, who have I’ve been suffering for the past eight years. ” “No child was distracted, none of us, any president, anyone close to the president, any of the media in Serbia that we could influence in any way, did not put the children of any political opponent on the front page,” he said. it’s Vasiljevic.

The police do not respond to calls for a citizens’ meeting during the curfew, so the mayor of Stari Grad, Marko Bastac, accompanied the movement of those who brought the sound system to the building where the children of Dragan Djilas live.

“If you were wondering who launched the ‘Thieves of Djilasa’ ad, it was not difficult to determine. All you had to do was get to the Municipality of Vracar, to your building, then you could see a car in front of the building where people were sitting in the offices talking about them, it was very interesting while they were doing all this, “Bastac said in a recording he made.

He asked the guardian of the municipal building if he knew who was in the building and if they were employed, to which the security guard replied that he knew and that it was his duty to protect the building.

Bastać: Can I enter now?

The guard: You can’t, nobody told me I could let you go.

Bastać: Did someone say they could get in?

The guard: They are from here.

Bastać: So they are all employed in the municipality of Vracar?

Some Serbian citizens have decided that fend off spontaneous sound systems.

Representatives of the Youth Protection Association, which is supposed to be the organizer of the meeting, cannot be contacted because they do not have an address or phone number, and their website is not working.

But instead, some government officials announced that the “noise against the Sherpas” campaign would continue.
