WHO IS A CROAT THAT WAS HIT IN KOPAONIK ON NEW YEARS NIGHT? A relative of the former mayor of Split known for DRUGS AND WEAPONS


A Serb and a Croat were injured in a multi-person fight that took place in Kopaonik on New Year’s Eve, and a day later, a Montenegrin citizen SK (38) was arrested. It turns out that the Croatian beaten is Josip Kerum, 30, a nephew of the former mayor of Split, Zeljko Kerum, who is well known to the police for a long time.

What exactly happened in Kopaonik on New Year’s Eve is still unclear, and the police are working hard to determine all the circumstances. It turned out that several men clashed, and the verbal confrontation turned into a physical one and two people, Vranjanac (37) and a Croat (30) ended up in Novi Pazar hospital with injuries.

According to the portals, one of them is Josip Kerum, nephew of the former mayor of Split, Željko Kerum, known for a long time to the Croatian public and the police for various crimes.

According to “jutarnji.hr”, the young Kerum made himself known to the general Croatian public after he was sentenced in a Zagreb court in November 2017 to one year in prison for smuggling 15 kilograms of marijuana, which he was transporting in a “Audi A6” with Split markings.

The indictment charged him with being found in a car with 15 packages of marijuana containing less than 15 kilograms on April 10, 2016 at 2:20 pm at the intersection of Medjugorska and Krasnjanska streets in Sesvete. The investigation established that Josip Kerum was supposed to resell the drugs, but where he obtained them from is unknown. In that trial, he confessed everything and repented.

Then, in late June 2019, a Split court sentenced him to one year in prison for possession of 11 automatic and two semi-automatic rifles, ten pistols and two revolvers, and more than 13,000 bullets that he kept in his home in Ciovo.

However, the Bjelovar County Court accepted young Kerum’s appeal in 2020, and instead of imprisonment, he was sentenced to a final suspended sentence with a three-year probationary period. According to the second instance verdict, the one-year prison sentence is “too severe a criminal sanction.”

In the defense presented in the Split court, Josip Kerum claimed that he received a small part of the gun from his grandfather as a souvenir of the Second World War.

“I regret that I did not legalize the gun and donate it to a museum. It was my property and I did not change it. Experience showed that the weapon did not go off for a long time because I never used it. I inherited the ammunition,” he said.

This was one of the arguments for which the Bjelovar County Court imposed a lighter sanction on him, for which reason his verdict indicated, among other things, that “from the confirmed facts and the defendant’s defense it is indisputable that the defendant he collected weapons only as a collector, as he also owned very old weapons. “


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