
Photo: Tanjug / Sava Radovanović
The IMF announced that the drop in GDP in Serbia will be only 1.5 percent, which places it in the “number one” place in Europe, recalls the “Dnevni Avaz” of Sarajevo and asks questions:
“And where are we? Where is our leadership at the level of Bosnia and Herzegovina with a program of measures to save this small economy that exists?”
The author of the text entitled “Why is Serbia number one in Europe in terms of GDP growth rate?”, Adds that p.The announcement in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the second quarter was 9.3 percent, and for the full year the IMF predicts a decrease of 6.5 percent, and then states:
“Serbia is much better than Montenegro with -12 percent, Croatia -9 percent, Albania -7.5 percent, Hungary -6.1 percent, North Macedonia -5.4 percent, Romania -4.8 percent and so on. Of all. the countries of Europe “.
At the same time, it is added, Bosnia and Herzegovina has much higher unemployment than Serbia: 7.3 versus 40 percent.
“We had a higher average salary, and now we cannot even reach 500 euros (currently 493), and Serbia crossed that border last year and is going towards 520, 530, 540 … And they are increasing salaries next year “he added. declares the author and continues:
“Pensions are again higher in Serbia by ten percent, and they have announced an increase for next year of almost six percent!
Foreign Direct Investment: Does anyone wonder how the President of Serbia, as Prime Minister, brought Serbia to an economic pedestal where not even EU members can reach it?
At € 1.6 billion in the first half of the year, Serbia accounts for 61% of all direct investments in the Western Balkans (there is a third more investment than Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo and North Macedonia combined).
And, what is even more important, Croatia, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria are behind Serbia !!!
Serbia is a country that developed Europe is looking at now and says: from them, from their president, we should learn how to manage the country economically in the most difficult moments. Until a few years ago, Serbia was on the brink of an economic abyss. “
Then the text asks if anyone in Serbia had a magic wand, and then the answer follows:
“No. Only its President Aleksandar Vučić, both as Prime Minister and President, had the courage, knowledge and political determination to carry out energetic and difficult reforms that brought Serbia to the top of Europe today!”
All world leaders officially congratulate Serbia on its success, from the United States, Russia and China to Germany and France. “
In the end, he concludes:
“The lesson for us in Bosnia and Herzegovina is clear: we need, without complexes, to become wiser and learn from the example of Serbia to get out of the economic abyss we are headed for.”
(Kurir.rs/Dnavni avaz)

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