Who contracted the export of apples to India and they rotted because of the minister and the painting?


Who was the first to agree to export Serbian apples to India and who allowed them to spoil while waiting for the minister to take a photo with them? Color Press Group director Robert Coban says he sponsored the business a year ago, and experts in agricultural conditions say the export to India was agreed to two years ago. Shepherd also claims that the merchandise, due to waiting in line to paint, was spoiled, so they had to be shipped to India last week. On the other hand, there are claims that those apples, until about ten days ago, were only being picked.

From Mala Remeta, from a plantation, 80 tons of our apples left for India last week. In the photos of the farewell, the Indian ambassador and the head of the agriculture department proudly told the media: “We do not export apples to India from our friend Tito. Yesterday I tried to seek information with Mr. Marić, who was ours. ambassador to India. “We also exported apples to India with Tito, we didn’t. We obtain a market of 1.2 billion inhabitants. “

Whether the current government conquers that market or steals the merits of others is a question that began to hang above this statement after the reaction of Robert Coban of the Color Press Group. He claims that the owners of the apple plantation in Krcedin asked him about a year ago to connect them with the Indian ambassador to find them Indian buyers. The ambassador informed Robert Coban in mid-August that the first contingent would head to Asia.

A couple of days before the departure of that first contingent, in mid-August, they informed me that the Ministry of Agriculture informed them that everything would be postponed since the Government of Serbia has not yet been formed, it is not known who will be the Minister of Agriculture. “Ministers attending, and it is not known who will be present during the shipment of apples to India and who will travel to India to meet the apples,” Coban says.

So, Čoban claims, the second September date is scheduled. The farewell, however, was canceled two days before the trip. The reason is that it was not known who they would photograph with the apples, Coban thinks.

Finally, when it was said that the designated prime minister would be Ana Brnabić, it was obviously known who would be the agriculture minister, and that event happened. Along the way, they gathered several more exporters in Mala Remeta and I think there were several more. the ceremony where they were photographed ”, he added.

He also said that the merchandise was damaged, so he could no longer wait for the government’s signal.

For Agrobiznis editor Goran Đaković, the painting was not the reason for delaying the apple journey, but the fact that the variety that the Indians seek is collected only at the end of August.

“They are looking for red varieties, and that is red delicacy, which was harvested practically 10, 20 days ago. I saw your shots, those apples that were packed are exactly the red delicacy from what I saw, ”says Djakovic.

He also remembers that Nedimović arranged business with the Indians before Čoban, two years ago at the World Food Fair. Then the minister of the Punjab province seriously looked at our apples.

“I can’t explain to you what his point of view was on those apples, as if he was looking at the eighth wonder of the world and not an ordinary apple. On that occasion, he said: we have to buy this, they are beautiful apples,” says Djakovic.

The position of the Ministry of Agriculture on this strange fact will wait for another miracle to happen, that is, the formation of the Government. Until then, they say, for N1, apples won’t be advertised.
