Who cares about Dr. Conn?


With these dramatic words, Epidemiologist and Crisis Staff Member Dr. Predrag Kon addressed the public on RTS Monday night regarding frequent criticism from crisis staff members of the medical profession, demanding much stricter anticancer measures. than the current ones.

– It seems that the only way out is for everyone to see that the medical part of the crisis staff stops working. That is completely useless! Con said.

“Do you want me to wage war and scream?”

From practically the first day of the coronavirus pandemic in Serbia, the Crisis Staff, and especially the medical part, have been targeted because doctors are acting more strictly in proposing unpopular measures against kovid (which is their job). .

At one point, criticism of Dr. Kon and his colleagues turned into outright insults and taunts, including death threats and car accidents at a crosswalk.

Photo: Tara Radovanović / Tanjug

In an emotional speech on RTS, Kon publicly asked what is expected of the medical side of crisis personnel.

– We have raised clear arguments and I have nothing more to say. There is no special wisdom here. Do you want me to go to war, do you want me to go out and scream? What is expected of us from the medical part? I am not thinking only of the authorities, but of all those who look at us – asked Dr. Kon.

“It’s sad …”

Kon noted that the message sent to the medical side of the crisis staff is sad.

– It is not only a message for the citizens, but also for us. Which is better? That we are not there at all, because that is what most people want? I don’t think that’s the solution – said Kon.

Kon also explained that after a year, it is not clear to him what the motive is for all the attacks against him and the crisis personnel.

– It’s sad that I’m in this position. I don’t see any reason why the medical part of the crisis staff is on the wallpaper. We did not give any reason to be attacked from all sides, both from the deputies in the Assembly of the ruling party and from the opposition, literally from everyone in turn – noted Dr. Kon.

At the end of the presentation, Dr. Cohn asked the rhetorical question “why are you sitting there when no one is listening?”

– Why are we staying? For the simple reason that they need us. The other thing is whether they listen to us or not. We are still here. You have colleagues who have been in the red zone for days – Dr. Kon said.

“Nobody likes the bearers of bad news”

Why are crisis personnel so hated? And especially the medical part? And in him especially Dr. Predrag Kon? Psychologist Zarko Trebjesanin explains “Blic”.

Žarko Trebješanin

Photo: Snezana Krstic / RAS Serbia

Žarko Trebješanin

– Dr. Kon was the most exposed of all the crisis personnel. He was there for a long time and was the sole spokesperson and at the same time a man with the highest authority. So, he became the personification of crisis personnel and there is nothing personal about it, but people are angry with crisis personnel, Trebjesanin explains for “Blic.”

Trebjesanin says that no one likes “bad news,” and Dr. Kon certainly represents him because, at the end of the day, that’s his job. In addition to proposing bans and warning of worst-case scenarios, and if that is required of you, then you cannot bear the blame for such a thing.

From insults to threats to “schisel”

The act of “rebellion” against Dr. Kon could be found for the first time on social media. The epidemiologist was later tagged with insults and photomontages that ridiculed him.

When the new soccer championship and international matches began during the summer of the previous year, Dr. Kon was the first to ask that they be played exclusively without an audience. And for that, he was exposed to a barrage of insults on social media.

Discontent with the crisis staff spread to the National Assembly, where some deputies, instead of condemning the attacks, joined in the insults.

Vladimir Đukanović

Photo: M. Metlaš / RAS Serbia

Vladimir Đukanović

Towards the end of last year, Dragan Markovic Palma (JS) criticized epidemiologists, but also other doctors, while Vladimir Djukanovic (SNS) compared Dr. Kona’s performances to the siren that marked the 1999 bombing of Serbia.

– The siren “schisela” is nothing compared to Kon’s appearances on television. After each of his presentations, I pinch myself to see if I am alive – wrote Djukanovic on Twitter and proposed the dissolution of the Crisis Staff.

Djukanovic did not stop, so he wrote on the same social network that “the Crisis Staff measures are crazy.”

Attack and teammates

The next blow for Dr. Kona was by a controversial colleague, Prof. Dr. Branimir Nestorovic, who posted on his Facebook profile a video of Professor Tiodorovic “cheering” on Dr. Kona like a mermaid who, as the deputy said Djukanovic, “scares people like schisella during the bombing.”

The moment when the enemy took the joke, in a literal sense, occurred in mid-November, when the graffiti “Dr Kona na kolac” appeared on the Novi Sad building with the crossed out Star of David. And a video of a party full of insults against Dr. Kon appeared on social networks.

The escalation occurred before New Year’s Eve, when Crisis Staff members advocated against all kinds of celebrations. Then, at the press conference, Dr. Kon announced what had happened to him.

– Today I experienced a sudden car accident, trumpeting and braking in front of me. There are those who are against the measures, obviously. But I can calmly look at myself in the mirror. And I think the same for crisis personnel – Dr. Kon said at the time.

Regardless, Dr. Kon told reporters on March 5:

– I’ll stay in this place until the end. The main opponent is the virus.
