WHO ARE THE SERBIAN “HACKERS” WANTED BY AMERICA: “Brain” of the southern Serbian operation, married to a Filipina! Stephen Seagal has something to do with the whole case


It is a digital fraud based on which, it is claimed, they harmed US citizens for 70 million dollars. All of them were arrested in and around Nis, some of them have dual citizenship and, according to their defense lawyers, Miloš and Milan Petrović, the conditions for their extradition to the United States are not met for the aforementioned crimes.

– The US authorities are requesting extradition based on the agreement, which was signed in 2016 and ratified last year, but they have not yet presented any of the material evidence on the basis of which they charged our clients. We don’t even have the name of at least one injured American citizen, says lawyer Miloš Petrović, explaining that suspects can also be tried in Serbia, because our law recognizes this crime, and we also have the High-Tech Crime Prosecution Office.


This group was very close to the American actor Steven Seagal until his arrest, who was practically the promoter of his new generation bitcoin. However, he did not report his activity to the US tax authorities, for which he paid a fine of $ 314,000, because he “illegally advertised investments in cryptocurrencies.”

According to our interlocutor, they remained in Serbia during the commission of the alleged crimes, so they should be tried here also on that basis, regardless of whether they acted via the Internet. Petrovic adds that initially they had to request a postponement of the hearing of their clients, which was scheduled for September 22, because they did not have time to prepare, considering that the material that arrived from the United States contained 50 pages.

– We received the case on September 21 and our clients were unable to familiarize themselves with the content. We appeal to the court to take into account that the second defendant is pregnant in the ninth month of pregnancy and that she must be allowed to be at home under supervision or at least in a prison hospital, and not in custody – says Petrovic and explains that it is the wife of the first defendant Nishlije, with whom he has four more children, three of whom are minors, for which he has been assigned a guardian.

In and around Nis, these hackers, aged 25 to 35, are already hailed as modern “Robin Hoods” and see nothing wrong with what they did, even justify them. They are all, as they say, successful IT business owners and have worked for clients around the world.


The process began on the suspicion that they had been dealing with digital fraud since 2011 and that they participated in the creation, promotion and organization of at least 16 fake investment platforms on the Internet. This is how they supposedly made $ 70 million. The members of this group have found investors all over the world, including those in the northern district of the state of Texas, so the FBI was also involved in the action of reporting and arresting them.

– They did not damage a penny to our country, and the fact that someone was too lazy to get rich in the virtual world was their risk. We are all exposed to it, even when we order clothes or mobile phones over the Internet – says Nishlija, who was informed on these occasions.

He adds that eleven suspects will most likely be extradited to the United States, because our state has committed to that.

– The first defendant, that is, the “brain” of this group, was born in a village in Bela Palanka and worked in the Philippines for many years, where he married. He is highly regarded in the information technology industry and is an amazing programmer and mathematician. They thought they were untouchable, because they did not create a problem in their country, and it is that they began to “sting their eyes”, because some of them began to show off their wealth in an environment where everything is learned quickly – says our interlocutor. adding that it was obvious that they had a lot of money when they could “put diamonds in their shoes”.

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