Whiteners, 5G networks, warm weather … WHO dispels myths of the coronavirus


The World Health Organization explained on the site Myth Busters, dedicated to unraveling the myths about the coronavirus, that all the information on how the virus is transmitted and treated is not clear, and warned that certain methods that have been recommended to the public since that the pandemic started are dangerous.

Source: Tanjug

Photo: depositphotos, Surabky

Photo: depositphotos, Surabky

Currently there is no cure

The WHO notes that there are currently no drugs authorized to cure or prevent X-19.

“Although various medications are being tested, there is currently no evidence that hydroxychloroquine or any other medication can cure or prevent COVID-19. Abuse of hydroxychloroquine can cause serious side effects and illness, and even cause death,” said the website. .

Do not use bleach, methanol, ethanol …

It is also cautioned that spraying and injecting bleach or other disinfectant into the body does not protect against acid 19, which can be dangerous.

“Under no circumstances should you bring bleach or any other disinfectant to your body. These substances can be toxic if ingested and cause irritation and damage to the skin and eyes. Bleach and disinfectant should only be used with care for surface disinfection. ” .

The same applies to ingestion of methanol and ethanol.

“Methanol, ethanol and bleach are poisons. Drinking them can lead to disability and death. They will not kill the virus in your body, but they will harm your internal organs,” the WHO said.

Photo: Depositphotos, nirutdps

Photo: Depositphotos, nirutdps

Mobile networks and radio waves cannot detect coronaviruses

Furthermore, it denies the claim that viruses can be transmitted by radio waves or cellular networks, and suggests that kvid-19 is spread in many countries that lack 5G technology.

According to the WHO, flax is also known to say that sun exposure or temperatures above 25 degrees prevents coronavirus disease.

It is not “killed” by the hot weather, nor do flies bear it

It is also recalled that countries with warm climates have also reported cases of coronavirus. The site also rejects the theory that rabbit flies transmit coronaviruses.

“The virus that causes the spread of Kovid-19 in the first place by the droplets created when an infected person tears, sneezes, or speaks,” the WHO explains.

It is also noted that adding pepper and hot peppers to foods does not prevent and cure covid-19.

“The best way to protect yourself from the new coronavirus is to stay at least a meter away from others and to wash your hands frequently and completely,” the WHO said.
