WHITE FAIRY TALE FOR BJELICA! Zorana is throwing a party for the deceased Isidora, a T-shirt is a must, and this is what Pajkić told everyone


WHITE FAIRY TALE FOR BJELICA!  Zorana is organizing a party for Isidora, a T-shirt is a must, and this is what Pajkić told everyone

Photo: Damir Dervišagić, ATAImages / Antonio Ahel

Zorana Pavić said goodbye to her close friend Isidora Bjelica (52), who died of ovarian cancer, and 40 days after the funeral, she decided to fulfill her last wish and have a party to celebrate her life.

As requested by Bjelica before her death, she will organize a grand and solemn celebration for the weekend and gather close friends and associates on a farm outside Belgrade.

“White fairy tale for Bjelica” will be the last farewell of the legendary writer, and the guests, at the request of Isidora, will wear white clothes.

Let us remind you, just one day after his death, Pavić shared a message with the public, sent to him by Bjelica after the disastrous medical results.

photo: Printscreen / Instagram

– Penguins, I have a find. The chemotherapy no longer works, the marker grows. I’ll try something else, but apparently it doesn’t make sense. Elem, I am not writing to complain because in my case it is a situation that bores me, God and people, rather than asking you something. I love people too much to annoy anyone to be mad at going to an awkward place like a cemetery, or even, God forbid, some smart academy to suffocate everyone out of boredom. Well, since curiously you understood my sensitivity and my humor better than all my friends, I would authorize you for one thing, that when I go to the eternal hunting ground, you organize a great party with lots of good music and cod and white clothes, because I’m Bjelica, not Crnica – The late Isidora wrote before her death, apologizing to her friends for the obligations she imposed on her.

On the other hand, Nebojsa Pajkic, Isidora’s husband, recently said that the family will not oppose this party, but will not participate in the organization of the aforementioned celebration.

“We are not interested in that party, and I explained to Zorana that we will not give any ban, but that we do not want to do that,” Pajkić said recently.

photo: ATA Images


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