While the killer was preparing for the crime, his father reported his disappearance to the police!


POLICE KNOWLEDGE BY LEARNING ABOUT ŠARC'S BRUTAL LIQUIDATION: While the killer was preparing for the crime, his father reported him missing to the police!

Photo: Private archive, screenshot

It is suspected that Lazar was preparing the murder of Šarc, a member of the “Pink Panther” robber gang, in the apartment “box” in Belgrade at the time. Police also believe that Lazar remained in hiding in Serbia after the crime.

According to the source of the investigation, Lazar’s father called the Kraljevo police in early October and reported that his son was missing and that he had not called anyone for several weeks.

– When the inspector asked him why he did not report that Lazar had disappeared before, the father replied that it had happened before that his son was not at home for a few days, but never for that long – said the interlocutor.

photo: Nemanja Nikolić

After that, the police began searching for Lazar, and then on October 17, in the garage of the shopping center, a masked attacker fired two shots in the head of Aleksandar Šarc. During the investigation, Lazar’s DNA was found on the weapon the killer dropped near the mall. An order was immediately issued against him, but Lazar is still at large, while Sharac died ten days after being wounded at the Belgrade Emergency Center.

– The investigation established that after the shooting in “Ušće”, Lazar used several “boxes” of apartments in and around Belgrade, which he rented before the crime. Due to the possibility that you want to escape from Serbia, special attention is paid to checking for possible falsified documents at border crossings. Of course, there is a possibility that Lazar escaped the country by “wild” roads, through the forest or through the Drina, but there are strong indications that he is still in Serbia, our source explained.

He adds that before the crime, Lazar was in contact with members of a powerful criminal group in Montenegro, which may indicate the person who ordered the murder. Let us remind you, Sharac drove his armored “Mercedes” to the mall garage on October 17 at around 4.30pm.

– He parked the vehicle in the handicapped area and entered the building. After a few hours, he returned to the garage and made his way to the car. Lazar then approached him from behind and fired two shots in the back of the head – said our source.

Security cameras filmed the attacker, who was wearing a surgical mask, cap and orange jacket. The video also shows him throwing a “golden” pistol with a silencer next to the mall and fleeing in the direction of the Sava, towards the Branko Bridge, where an accomplice was probably waiting for him.


Private photo archive, screenshot

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