WHILE I SLEEP, GASOLINE GOT TO ME, AND THEN I HEARD “EVEN”: Davor was first set on fire by a neighbor, and then he found out why (PHOTO)


Thus begins Davor Djordjevic (44), from the village of Crnajka in Majdanpek, his confession for “Novosti”, when in 2012, together with his wife EG (38), a Romanian citizen, the first neighbor Obrad Bucanovic (69) tried to set him on fire.

– I slept with my wife in a room in the house that I started to build, because my previous one, in the then still inexplicable circumstances, a month before, burned in a fire – Davor recalls.

– I heard someone break the window glass and immediately felt a liquid fall from me. I jumped out of bed and ran to the door, but it was stuck and, as I later learned, soaked in gasoline.

Davor shows scars / Photo: V. Đ.

Having no other choice, Djordjevic jumped out the window. He saw a man in the yard, who tried to escape.

– He jumped on him and we began to fight – continues our interlocutor. – However, I was getting fuel, and then I heard an ominous sound – “even”. The man I was fighting lit a lighter and … set me on fire. On that occasion, the flames engulfed him as well, but he had two helpers, who were never discovered, who extinguished him, after which they fled.

Flames engulfed Davor from the waist up. Fortunately, he ripped an old coat off the clothesline, put it on, and somehow managed to put out the fire that threatened to swallow him.

– My wife called the police and the ambulance and they quickly transferred me to Majdanpek hospital. In the hospital, while they were showering me with hot water, I lost consciousness. And when I came to, they told me that half of my body was affected by second and third degree burns.

A painful period of rehabilitation followed. Davor was under the supervision of a doctor for a year, after which he used milk and burn wax on his own, when he was released from the hospital. He spent more than two thousand euros on his recovery.

Davor shows scars / Photo: V. Đ.

– The police soon discovered that the man who tried to set my wife and me on fire was my first neighbor, Obrad, and now Djordjevic is incredulous.

– Do you know why he did it? Because I bought a piece of land for him to get to my house But he still forbade me to go there, so I sued him and took him to court.

After a painful trial, Bučanović was sentenced to 10 years in prison in 2014. But he did not serve his sentence to the end, he passed away last year in prison.

– A month before Obrad set me on fire, I was with my wife in Romania, my father-in-law – Davor recalls.

The house in Crnajka that Davor left / Photo: V. Đ.

– When I was supposed to return, my car broke down, so I stayed with my wife’s family without planning another day. And, when I returned to Crnajka, I found the house started burned to the ground. Obrad admitted in court that he did the same and that the target was not my house, but my wife and me.


In the mid-1990s, Bučanović was sentenced to nine years in prison because he shot his father-in-law Tihomir Ilić with a pistol and seriously wounded his then wife with three shots. He was sentenced to nine, but served seven years in prison. The helpers who were with Obrad when he set Djordjevic on fire were never discovered.

After setting Djordjevic on fire, Bucanovic, who suffered burns to his arms and body, fled the scene. A few hours later, he reported to Negotin Hospital and asked to have his wounds repaired. However, the doctors informed the police, who soon arrested the attacker in Djordjevic.

“After years of treatment, I recovered a bit,” says Davor.

– The scars are barely visible, my hair has grown back … But when it’s too hot or too cold, my whole body starts to itch unbearably, as if ants had gotten under my skin. I don’t shave, because after that I get blisters on my face, which hurt unbearably.

Djordjevic adds that he should not even think about what would have happened if his son, who was a baby at the time, stayed to sleep with him in the house he started.

– Again, when I regained consciousness, I began to build a house – adds this attacked man.

– But I couldn’t live there anymore. I left everything and went to the neighboring village of Klokocevac, where I live privately. But I will no longer return to Crnajka, not even dead …

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