On his ancestry, he takes a stone out of the quarry with his hands, earns bread with nine crusts and with honest work he shows that the chips do not fall far from the trunk.
“Proud to bear this glorious name and to be a descendant of a great man, I try to be worthy of it and never dishonor my ancestors. When they gave me the name there were seven in the option, and then the godfather put a line on it that I wear today. Now, several families from Mišić live in this village, I have always wanted to stay in this place, where I was born and I succeeded, “said Živojin Mišić from RINA.

From a young age, he was diligent and hard-working, so he quickly began to earn money with his ten fingers. While his teammates were playing soccer, he was looking for a Maidan in town with a hoe.
“It’s not easy at all to mine stone, but I love it and I found myself in that job. We make almost everything by hand, and then we process it. You can’t get rich with this job, but you can live decently and honestly, and that’s the most important . We remove these superficial layers, while we do not touch this deeper part because it requires blasting. I have some workers when the season comes, they are my friends and colleagues. When you work in an environment like this, nothing is difficult for you, “says this young man.

All the neighbors have only words of praise for this Zivojin Mišić. They say that such a young man is not born twice and they also confirm that he is a worthy descendant of his grandfather.
“I never regretted staying in the family home. Nowhere will I be nicer or better than here. The plan is to expand production, further develop this business with stone if I can,” says Zivojin.

Zivojin Misic was a Serbian and Yugoslav duke. At the beginning of his forty years of service, he participated in the Serbian-Turkish wars, as a sergeant-cadet, and later as a lieutenant.
Just before the outbreak of World War I, he was appointed assistant to the staff of the Supreme Command, and during the Battle of Kolubara, General Mišić was given command of the First Army, which was in a very difficult situation at the time.

Thanks mostly to his personal knowledge and efforts, the First Army went from being a disintegrating unit to a fighting formation. Misic insisted on a deeper retreat, shortening the front line of the entire Serbian army, which would give other armies time to rest, replenish supplies and supplies.
His game paid off because the Austro-Hungarian army extended its lines too far, so it was severely defeated in the subsequent Serbian counterattack. On December 4, 1914, Mišić was promoted to the rank of duke (field marshal) for his merits and victory.

King George V of England bestowed on him the title of English Bachelor Knight. As the most famous military leader of the First World War and the history of the Serbian war, he was considered a legend by his people.
Photo of RINA

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