WHERE WE ARE CURRENTLY This is how our experts assess the situation and how the World Health Organization


Wearing masks indoors, distance, discipline, and an awareness that the virus is still circulating, obviously works, according to local experts.

The director of the World Health Organization office in Serbia, Marijan Ivanuša, assessed that the epidemiological situation in Serbia is currently among the best in Europe.

The epidemiologist Dr. Nikola Milenković explains to “Blic” that respect for the measures and the discipline of citizens contributed to the reduction in the number of patients, and that returnees behaved responsibly, but that it is obvious that a good part of the population decided to respect the measures, due to the decreased number of examinations in the clinic.

Nikola MilenkovićPhoto: Ivana Andjelković / RAS Serbia

Nikola Milenković

– Definitely, according to current figures, the crown is at the lowest level in our country in terms of the number of infected in Europe, which is also noted in terms of the number of examined in external consultations. I am of the opinion that the reason is that citizens respect the measures and that the State took all the measures on time. We will see how it will be later, what is the recommendation that all the measures be respected, they are general knowledge, there are no gatherings, that is, that the Crisis Staff measures be limited and respected, both at the state level and in municipal headquarters. Without discipline, we cannot expect the numbers to be good, says Dr. Milenković.

School has started, students are returning to university centers, and there is a colder time when people spend more time indoors, when the possibility of infection is high. Therefore, caution and disciplined behavior are advised.

Photo: Miloš Cvetković / RAS Serbia

– In this autumn period, but surely in the coming winter, people will spend most of their time indoors, so it is necessary to ventilate and wear masks if you are at work, store, shopping center, anywhere .. ., do not pick it up, because you have to take good care of it during the winter. In addition, now the students come, the conferences begin, but the faculties know how to organize, teach and take exams, the measures are clear and must be respected, says the epidemiologist.

No relaxation

The director of the World Health Organization office in Serbia, Marian Ivanusa, says that when it comes to Europe, the number of people infected by the corona virus is increasing in the countries that were most affected at the beginning of the pandemic. , like France and Spain.

– In addition, we have countries that have done well so far, such as Hungary and the Czech Republic, and which are currently in the top ten countries in terms of the number of new cases in Europe. This is proof that the virus does not relent and that we must be careful, especially in the fall, when we will be spending more and more time indoors, Ivanuša told RTS.

As he further explained, the virus is still there and the majority of the population is susceptible.

– We do not have a larger population that is protected from the virus, which means that during the autumn and winter, if we do not adhere to the measures, we can expect a worsening – said Ivanuša.

The situation in Serbia is good and there are currently no signs of a state of emergency or additional measures, he added.

– If it worsens, additional measures should be considered – explains Ivanuša, adding that the WHO, for medical reasons, cannot recommend that the duration of the quarantine be shortened.

– I followed the discussion in Slovenia. They say that it is very expensive to have people in quarantine for 14 days, so for economic reasons they shortened the duration of the quarantine to ten days and accepted the risk that some people could get sick between the 10th and 14th day, Ivanuša said.

Returned under surveillance

As of Friday, a measure has come into force for all our citizens who return to Serbia, which requires them to register and be under health surveillance for the corona virus upon their return, and according to the latest data, a total of 23,000 of our citizens they are under surveillance.

– Many of them returned before the scheduled period for supervision and responded to our call to return. As of Friday at 6 pm, when the surveillance of 23,000 of our citizens began, that is, more than two thirds have registered and are under surveillance, Prof. epidemiologist told RTS. Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević.

Darija Kisić TepavčevićPhoto: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Darija Kisić Tepavčević

Certainly, there were those who suspected the presence of viruses who were sent to Kovid’s ambulance, mainly from the area of ​​Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also from other countries, mainly from Croatia, Turkey and Albania.

– The important thing is that after completing the self-assessment test, 36 of those who returned were evaluated as suspects for the presence of the virus and were sent to the Kovid clinic, where they underwent more procedures, said Kisić Tepavčević.

And the schools work

In the three weeks since classes began in Serbian schools, some 60 students have contracted the corona virus so far, Education Minister Mladen Šarčević said, adding that this is the minimum number.

According to him, Belgrade, as a big city, has the most cases, but when you take everything and add it up, that’s the minimum number of infected people. As he said on the morning TV show “Prva”, there are currently no patients among the students. He explained that the reason there are fewer high school students infected with the corona virus, compared to elementary school students, is that high school students go through the system of staying in classrooms for one week and online for another.

Mladen ŠarčevićPhoto: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Mladen Šarčević

– Right now, there are about 60 infected students, in the three weeks since the school started, for 850,000 students, which is really the minimum number – said Šarčević.

Asked if there will be a new school closure, the minister said that we are far from that at the moment.

Another person died

In the last 24 hours, 6,663 people were tested for the corona virus in Serbia, 83 new infected people were registered and one person died.

According to the latest information from the Ministry of Health, there are 22 patients with respirators.

Let us remind you, yesterday we had 7,466 people tested, 81 newly infected people were registered and one person died. Yesterday there were 22 patients on respirators. The day before, there were no deaths from coronavirus in Serbia.

VIDEO: How the crown enters human cells
