Where does your right to replace the “politically inappropriate” doctors in Serbia come from?


According to available information, preparations are under way for the dismissal of our colleagues, department heads of the Military Medical Academy and colleagues of the General Hospital of Novi Pazar, signatories of the “United against Kovid” initiative. This would be a clear indication that a second opinion, which is completely normal in medicine, is not only not tolerated, but is considered undesirable in this system, and that would be especially inadmissible, according to the statement of the appeal “Unidos against Covids “.

In communication between the signatories, a consensus has already been reached that an attack on a single signatory is an attack on all, so we will live up to this decision, if it turns out to be true. With the addition that such a procedure would only represent a further collapse of what remains of the healthcare system for all of us. And we must not allow that, neither we health workers, nor the rest of you, all citizens of the Republic of Serbia – it is stated in the statement of doctors who believe that they should react to decisions about possible changes of colleagues .

– Aware of the responsibility that we have as health workers, and with advice on compliance with all, only all, publicly pronounced anti-epidemic measures, and their implementation without any discussion, we believe that we must react to such a possible decision of the structures of management of these health institutions – he adds. in the statement.

The signatories of this declaration add that directors and acting directors do not have the right to change doctors because their only employers are citizens of the Republic of Serbia.

– The directors of the Military Medical Academy and Novi Pazar, as well as any other director, especially the acting director, must understand that the owners of the healthcare institutions are citizens of the Republic of Serbia and that they are employees who are responsible to all the citizens. Among other things, they do not have the right to fire at any time without professional reasons, mistakenly thinking that they do not have any kind of responsibility – it is stated.

Despite the situation that does not allow protests and strikes, doctors say the conditions for expressing civil disobedience have been met.

It is completely clear that a large-scale protest meeting would be prohibited. It is also completely clear that an appropriate form of strike is allowed, which would be organized in cooperation with various interested unions. Furthermore, it is completely clear that the strike by health workers due to objective circumstances does not currently benefit the citizens of the Republic of Serbia. Certainly, it is completely clear that in the event of such changes, the conditions would be created for a massive protest and a massive strike by all health workers. In addition, the legal representative of the General Hospital of Novi Pazar would have to withdraw, for moral reasons, because the institution he directs will enter the history of medicine, unfortunately, in a negative context. In the end, it is completely clear that due to the behavior of the great majority of directors of health institutions, even without the shifts described, which we are awaiting confirmation, the conditions have been created for more acute forms of civil disobedience.

By the way, the initiative of the doctors “United against Kovid” was created through an open letter to the Government of the Republic of Serbia in reaction to the decisions of the state and the competent authorities on the Kovid-19 pandemic, and was signed by nearly 3,000 physicians.

Doctors also recall that “the behavior of government structures was initially personified through disparaging in the media, calling various names and adding inappropriate epithets, seeking concrete proposals, then continuing to change the narrative that we are” in this “together, but completely ignoring the demands made in the publicly available letter. ”

– On the day this announcement was made, there is a high degree of doubt about the new steps taken by the directors of the health institutions. Such action, if confirmed, would now clearly turn into a direct confrontation with the doctors who signed the letter, in various ways, in the institutions where they work – the doctors add.

They say the sole objective of the initiative was an expert discussion that would lead to a better response to the oandemic.

– The basic idea of ​​the initiative meant that public pressure would create a space that would allow those with the right skills to have the space to express their opinion, transmit that attitude to others and share experiences from the field. In that way, we would initiate an expert discussion that would ultimately lead to a better response to the pandemic, to the improvement of the health system itself, but also to society as a whole.

However, in response to their aspirations, rather than the other party in the dialogue, the doctors encountered misunderstandings and contempt.

– However, all that came to the signing physicians from whom they had to “listen” was a lack of understanding and an attempt to accuse them of some kind of political activism, although a clear deviation was made from it. The most recent information that has reached us is of particular concern. We note that this is still unconfirmed information, and that we hope to determine very soon if it is true or not, they say.

– As intellectuals who want to contribute to the improvement of society, and preserve the health of all of us who make up the same society, and without the opportunity to dialogue with institutions that are silent, although we will address them separately, we are forced to invite everyone citizens within the legal framework. in support of the demands of the initiative, which will be presented later – the statement concludes.

Read what NATO told Serbia HERE!

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