Where does Serbia get the surplus of one million adults? – politics


Around 5.5 million citizens of Serbia are entitled to one hundred euros of assistance from the Serbian Government Package of Measures, the Ministry of Finance stated on its Instagram account.

Where does Serbia get the surplus of one million adults? onePhoto: FoNet / Marija Djokovic

Taking into account that the allocation of one hundred euros to each adult citizen coincides with the next elections, in which, according to the Electoral Commission of the Republic, 6.7 million have the right to vote, the question arises as to where the Ministry of Finance has the number of 5.5 million eligible citizens. at a monetary amount expressed in one hundred euros.

Therefore, we asked analysts from public opinion research agencies and electoral process controllers how they saw this phenomenon.

– There are no independent analyzes of the accuracy of the voter list. On the other hand, there is a significant distrust of citizens towards the level of updating of the voter list. According to 2018 Crta research, as many as 59 percent of Serbian citizens believe the voter list is inaccurate. That is why Crta is trying to influence the implementation of an independent analysis of the accuracy of the voter list, so that at least in relation to that segment of elections, the confidence of citizens begins to build, he told Danas Rasha Nedeljkov, Program Director of the Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability (CRTA).

He adds that the difference between the number of adult citizens on the voter list and the list prepared by the Ministry of Finance may also be due to the fact that the Ministry counted only adult citizens living in Serbia.

– And precisely for this reason, it would be very important that you announce to the Ministry of Finance and explain to the public the method you used to use when making the list of possible aid recipients – concludes Rasa Nedeljkov.

According to Bojan Klačar, executive director of the Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CESID), the Serbian government decree states that receiving 100 euros refers to citizens residing in Serbia.

– The estimate of 5.5 million state aid recipients probably refers to assumptions, and not the exact and precise data on how many people have the right to call and take those 100 euros. I suppose they reached that number, estimating the interest of the citizens and the fact that a large number of those who meet the conditions to receive that money live in the diaspora. I think this is how they reached that number, counting that the people of the diaspora will have no reason or way to obtain that money, Bojan Klačar said in a statement for our newspaper.

It concludes that the estimate that 5.5 million citizens are eligible for financial assistance refers to the need to design a budget for that purpose.

– Which certainly does not mean that this number will not be exceeded or, on the other hand, will not be less. Furthermore, that does not mean that if the one who will be the first appears above or above the projected 5.5 million citizens, he will not get his money, Klačar concludes.

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