“Whenever I turn on a channel, Dr. Conn, I also began to be afraid of Dr. Conn, because of him now I watch channels in French, although I don’t know French” (VIDEO)



25.11.2020. 11:50


Palma, Photo: Printscreen

The leader of United Serbia and the head of the party’s parliamentary group, Dragan Markovic Palma, commenting on Assembly of Serbia The current situation with the corona virus praised the work of doctors and medical workers, but noted that doctors should talk less about the virus on television so as not to scare citizens.

– When it comes to kovid, I also want to praise that bill, because the health of each person and the health of the nation is priceless. I want to ask the doctors at first … Doctor Kon, all credit to him … Whenever I turn on a channel – Dr. Kon! Hi folks, I’m starting to fear you too. And none of those experts had an accurate forecast …. They told us that when the summer comes, the kovid will go through the high temperature, so let’s go to the second wave, then the third … it seems that we no longer divide the crown in waves, it is constantly present in the whole world … – said Markovic and added:

– I don’t listen to the doctor anymore. RTS last night! Then I shot, I shot, I shot the channels and I found something in French, and I have no idea, I know 10 words in French, that’s what I saw – revealed Palma.
