WHEN YOU CAN’T SEE THE CITY Smog and fog mixed here today, and then our photojournalist noticed these unreal scenes


In the early hours of the morning, the temperatures are lower and the conditions for creating fog are more favorable, and if we add to all that air pollution, the scenes are as terrifying as they are fascinating.

The photos taken this morning in Novi Sad best describe the combination of fog and air pollution.

According to the measurements of the information website Waqi, the air in Novi Sad today is marked as unhealthy for vulnerable groups.

The pollution index, that is, the level of PM 2.5 particles in the largest city in the north of our country is now 140, and for the air to be characterized as uncontaminated, the level of these particles must not exceed 50 .

In cases of a combination of fog and pollution, we often cannot even distinguish which phenomenon is in question.

What we should definitely do now at the time of the corona virus epidemic is wear a mask, like this grandmother in the Novi Sad photo, because in addition to the virus, it also protects us from air pollution.

The combination of fog and air pollution, in addition to affecting health, can also cause problems while driving, so drivers are advised to take special care.

Take a look at what Novi Sad was like today in the photo gallery of our photojournalist Nenad Mihajlović.

VIDEO: Pollution of Avala
